Chensung ( Chenle x Jisung )

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-"Your eyes got my heart beat fast! And that's your charm, baby!"-


"Jisungie! Come on! We have errands to do first and will you please stop checking your face in that side mirror! It might be break, manager will scold us after!" Haechan calling and teasing Jisung which is busy to check himself. Jisung just scrunched his nose to his annoying hyung and ran straight to his other hyungs, avoiding Haechan in purpose. Haechan just being Haechan cling to Jisung's arm then saying sorry and I love you's.

Jealous Chenle pulled the annoyed Jisung by his nape and glared Haechan for teasing his baby. Haechan just put his hands up and pout. The others just laughed amused of how protective Chenle is. Well they can't blame him, Haechan is a tease and always irritating them but they love him so much that they can't hate their fluffy bear even a little bit.

They got inside the cafe and select the table near the exit after ordered. Chenle drag Jisung once again to sit besides him far from Haechan. "So protective! Do you mind telling us what the real status of your relationship? Are you perhaps a... Ya' know .. ?" Jeno sudden ask noticing how Chenle being a little possessive towards Jisung.

"Yaaah Jeno-yah! Are you not updated?" Renjun with disbelief expression ask the confuse Jeno. He look at them checking if they are pranking him but failed to see their serious face, "Ohhh it looks like your not! Well what will we expect? Your always at your phone, not minding your surroundings!" Jaemin stated with double meaning. The others just chuckled and smirk. Chenle patted him, signaling him to hide his phone later and soothe his now sulking lover.

"Hyung! How come you didn't know? I thought you are interested on me!?" Jisung teased his hyung who quickly enlarged his eyes not wanting to get on trouble more.

"Yaaah Jisungie! Are you flirting? In front of my COFFEE?" They loudly laugh when Chenle and Jaemin both confronting their maknae. Jaemin glared at Jeno who immediately shut his mouth and Chenle just pinched the mochi cheeks of his baby chick. Jisung just pout and feed Chenle a cookie. They stop teasing and fooling around, continuing their eating and drinking while discussing the project they got.

They all got home and ready to rest early. Chenle who's done on fixing went to the bathroom to check why Jisung takes too long to wash his face.  He saw him stretching his eyes weirdly. "What are you doing, Sungie? Is there something dust in your eyes?" He worriedly look at Jisung eyes, examining if something got in but Jisung got flustered and hug his boyfriend. "Why? Is it hurt? Let me help you! Your eyes might infected if you ..." Chenle worried at his baby's action, thinking that he's on pain.

"I'm okay! Just tired!" Jisung cutting him off not wanting to worry him. Chenle push him a little to look to his captivating eyes that he really love to stared but Jisung who insecured close his eyes and buried his face to his little boyfriend's chest. Chenle frowned but still hug his giant baby then guide him to their bed to rest. It's a long night, they cuddled each other and sleep peacefully.


"Are you all done? We need to hurry before manager arrive!" Jeno who leading the group supervising his members and holding Jaemin's bag. "Were ready but Sungie fixing his eye make up a bit" Chenle said focusing on Jisung does. "Just make it faster! We only have 10mins" Jeno reminded.

"I'm almost done hyung!" Jisung's replied. "Jisungie it will never become big so stop daydreaming there!" Haechan teasing the maknae, Jisung who stop on what he's doing stand up and get his bag."You're right! Okay I'm done now! Let's go! Were gonna be late!"  And he left them inside stunned and worry. Chenle clicked his tongue and glared towards to Haechan. "That wasn's a good joke! Might to apologize later! You know how's sensitive is he right? Haechan hyung!" then he get his things and followed Jisung who was already at the van waiting his members. The others 00'liner look at Haechan, almost wanting to smack him but they don't have any time so they all got out.

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