Xiaosung ( Xiaojun x Jisung )

827 20 1

-"I don't know when did it start but all I know that there's no end of it..."-


The students are so noisy and there were people chasing each other but it didn’t matter to a young man who was sound asleep in the back next to the window.

He just only woke up when suddenly someone slap his back which caused silence throughout the room.

"Argh Jaemin hyung!" He complained then rubbed his back.

"This school is not home for you to just sleep anytime you want so stand there and follow me!" Jaemin's scolded him.

"Park Jisung!!!" Jaemin repeated when he just stare at him.

"Okay okay! Just wait hyung! You hit me so hard!!" Jisung complaint again as he pulls his phone out of his desk.

After the two left, they went back to making noise and their topic was Jisung, the president of their class and sports club.

The two of them reached the council room, although Jisung was surprised, he just followed him inside.

The council officers greeted him immediately.

"We brought you here for something important to discuss!" Jisung raised an eyebrow and then sat on the sofa opposite the President of the school.

"The school games event of private schools is near and of course as we are one of the well-known elite students? We shouldn't let them win without fighting and you know what I mean!" He explained.

"So you mean Taeil hyung! ... I need that flirt bulky guy's help to train my varsity players?"

"Of course you are!" Other man answered.

"But Kun hyung!" he protest.

"No buts Park Jisung! We intentionally lost every games just not to be tired and let them celebrate by their own!.. Tsk!!! our co-stupidents didn't want to participate and waste their voice and energy before! ... But this time we'll need to change that habits especially YOU !!! If you don't want your parents to send you to the another country to teach you something.. like?  Do ridiculous and dangerous things that you'll never been experienced before!"

"I understand, hyung!!! but why not others? Like Lucas hyung or Jeno hyung?" Jisung suggested

"They can if they still have time available! Because as far as I know, Lucas has a photoshoot schedule as our representative model and speaking of Jeno? Jaemin got his time already? So?? Yeah!!. " Jisung raises his eyebrow to Jaemin.

"Got a problem?" Jaemin sassily challenge the poor boy who just pouted at him.

"So that's it and I hoping with your cooperation!"

"And I already talk to Xiaojun and gave him your NEW contact number!" pressing the words new cause Jisung always changing his number when Xiaojun got it.

"Okay okay! No problem! Just let me leave first. I still need to talk someone to take care a project given by Sir Kyungsoo!" scratching his head in annoyance.

All of them just nodded, before Jisung got out! He received a warning glare from his Jaemin hyung that makes him gulp and leave without looking back.

Jisung has already talked to the players who will participate in the competitions. They just all groaned when they learned that Xiaojun would train them when it come to physical exercises.

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