Winsung (Winwin x Jisung)

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-"I love being pampered with you with full of sarcasm and beatings!"-


There's a young boy sleeping well when his twin jump on the bed and mess with him so he groaned and roll.

"Hey it's noon now and you're still sleeping there?" Nagging the sleepy boy who just groaned again.

"TAEHYUN!!! GET OFF OF ME! YOU'RE SO HEAVY!" Pushing his twin who's lying on his stomach and rubbing his face on his chest.

"I don't want to unless you'll get up now!!.. I don't Jae hyung to scold me by spoiling you again.. So you need to get up or let me still nag you like this!" Then rolling his body above him without minding his twin's groaning in annoyance.

"Fine fine fine!!! I'll get up! Just get off of me and leave!" Then push Taehyun out of the bed so he loudly yelp.

"What happened???" The older man quickly help Taehyun to stand.

"Well! This brat just push me too harsh that's why I yelp!" Glaring to the young man who just looking at him guilty but at the same time stopping himself to laughed.

"Park Jisung!!!?" Hands on his waist while tapping his feet waiting to Jisung's explanation.

"He's too heavy and didn't stop nagging me that's why I push him unintentionally!"

"UNINTENTIONALLY???" Taehyun exclaimed so he got smack on his ass.

"Stop shouting will you? And besides I told you to wake him up not to make an uproar in this early morning!"

"But Jae hyung! He didn't even move his body after I wake him up!. Just!! Just rolling to the other side!" Rubbing his ass while angrily pouting.

"Tss! Such a troublemaker twins!" Looking at them blankly then signaling Taehyun to get out and Jisung to sit up immediately.

"Don't hurt your twin again like that!! You know that he loves you to be scolded by me so he did that! ... And he's so excited to meet Beomgyu so let him pass..."

"I HEARD THAT!" They both smirk when Taehyun shouted.

"Oh yeaaah so if I were you? I will prepare myself early before he got here and look at you in disgust!" Jisung provoking his twin who just kicked his door.

"Love you too, twin! And don't spray too much perfume or else Beomgyu hyung might leave you later and?...OUCH!" Jisung yelp in shock

"DESERVEEEEE!" Taehyun laughing at the poor boy who didn't rebut again when his hyung warns him.

"You get yourselves ready too or else you'll be late!" Jisung looks on his alarm clock then immediately stand up.

"Ohh I almost forgot!" Then he run to the bathroom but suddenly going back when he forgot his things.

Jisung just scratched his hair shyly while his hyung just looking at him dumbfounded.


After a few minutes, Jisung got himself into their kitchen and saw the frowning twins waiting for him.

"It's good that you have plans to go down! Do you know what time is it?" Jisung look on his watch then just shrug.

"Duuhhh as if I've been taking a long time! And obviously... you're just excited" he replied then sat down to eat breakfast first.

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