Chapter 20

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The best way to explain the feeling is jumping across a bottom less pit, inches away from the other side. Inches from safety. Your hopes rising to the max; excited that you're going to make it. Then like a slap to the face. You don't. You pour your heart and soul into that jump. Give it everything you can possibly muster, but it still wasn't enough. That is how I am feeling. The leap of faith that I once believed in, no longer exist. His husky voice pierced my soul  shattering it all over again. The words "Hello princess.." mocks me like an annoying fly.

"Get your filthy hands off of me! Or I swear on everything I will raise hell! I will stab you in the eyes with my stilettos! Unhand me now bastard!" 

I am brought back to reality by Krystal's yells. I blink maybe this is all in my head. That's it, I have gone mad. I will wake up in my bed. It's just a nightmare. Yet it seems so real. Almost life like. 

"You know you made it pretty hard for us to track you. Spent days and nights searching for you. However, I will say I kinda enjoyed this cat and mouse game. Not to mention I missed your warmth by my side. Oh, and I see our child is growing mighty finely." 

The tears stream down my face scared for my fait. Scared for my friends who are being restrained. 

"Nicole, do you know these people?" I look at who asked the question as we stand in the parking lot held at gun point. Xander. I want to take my friends away to safety, but I know I can't. The odds a slim and we are heavily outnumbered. 

"I have no clue who these people are." I then turn back to Tristen Singleton. "Please release my friends and I. We don't know who you are and my name is Nicole not whatever you think." I stand my ground not backing down to him. Bad idea.

"Derik, dagli un pugno." (Derik punch him.) 

Derik punches Xander in the stomach causing him to fold over letting out a groan. 

"No! Please stop! Don't hurt them."

"You will answer my question truthfully. Each time you don't I will punish you by punishing them. Simple. I suggest you cooperate." I don't make a sound. 

"First question. What is your real name?" 

"Nicole Rosswell." I speak trying to remain composed. 


A hit to Xander's perfect face knocking off his glasses. 

"Wrong. Try again. What is your real name?" 

"Venessa Nicole Estella Goodwin." He smirks. 

"Now, how old are you?" This is a question that I knew was coming, so I answered in Spanish. 

"Tengo quince años. "(I am fifteen years old.) Then before I knew it, time stopped. My eyes went heavy and everything became blurry. A sharp pain ran through my body. I have been shot.


Am I- am I dead? Possibly. If it wasn't for my baby I would be just fine with not living, but that is not the case here. I struggle to open my eyes. It feels they have been glued shut. After a few failed attempts, they open and like clock work I here a voice. 

"Hmm, you are awake." I stare at his brown eyes as he sits on my living room couch. I get ready to stand about to give him the worst slap to the face in his life, but he has other plans. 

"Don't try to move. You can't anyways." It dawned on me. I am tied up to a chair in my own home with my crazy lunatic baby daddy staring at me. "Where are my friends?"

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