Chapter 15

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I look to her confused and for a brief second I'm sad, but I change my face into a unbothered expression. I'm not that surprised at all. But I am angry. However I don't show it on the outside. I take her words with a grain of salt. 

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know." She nods and we both get out the car. It doesn't make sense, why go through all that trouble of "claiming me" if he is already in a relationship. I shake off my angry thoughts. I never liked him anyways. We enter the house stepping inside finding the foyer empty. Honestly I'm glad I don't have to see their back stabbing faces. I head upstairs and settle on my bed turning on my tv. I put on my favorite show TVD. Half way through the episode, a knock sounds at my door. 

" It's unlocked." 

They enter the dark room the only light coming from the tv. 

"How was shopping?" I stare them up and down. 

"It was nice." Still no one knew about my new piercings I laugh internally. 

"What do you want anyways?" 

"Nothing, just wanted to be near you." I roll my eyes how dare he lie to my face. 

"Oh really, are you that lonely you feel the need to live a double life, bouncing back and fourth between two girls?" I ask him in a sarcastic tone but really wanted him to answer. I didn't mean for the snarky comment to roll out. It's not like I am bothered or anything, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

 "What do you mean?"  

"You know exactly what I mean. I heard about your girlfriend." He walks farther into my room closing the door behind him and sits on the floor facing me. 

"Nessa, you weren't supposed to find out like this. He lets out a sigh. 

"So when was I supposed to find out? You have a whole girlfriend but you've been fucking me! You pig! Engaged or not why go through all that drama to make me yours when you already have someone! You beat up someone just to make a point!" I truly hate him, once again I feel used. 

"I'm sorry." His words stung like a thousand needles. I've been feeling so fragile and weak these past few days. It's hard to believe or trust anyone when their actions differ from their words. 

"She's not really my girlfriend Nessa... well not anymore.  She was at one point, but we were on and off. To be honest, I only ever visited her for sex, and I stopped after we started... um talking. We ended our complex relationship permanently up a few days ago." 

What he says doesn't make me feel any better. I clench my teeth in order to hold my tongue back from speaking venom.

"Let me make it up to you." 

He stands and walks over to where I lye on my bed. That's the last straw. I stand up and through a pillow at him screaming. Sex can not fix everything, especially when sex is the reason I'm in this predicament in the first place.

"Stay away from me! Don't touch me!" 

Tears pour down my face. Not out of sadness, but out of anger. Anger that my family caused, anger that Tristen only fuels. I grab the next thing I see, a picture off my nightstand not even caring enough to look at it. I hurl it at him. He ducks and the picture frame shatters when it makes contact with the wall. I jump from my bed wanting to runaway. As soon as I get the door open a pair of firm arms grab my waist pulling me back into the room closing the door. I scream literally wailing, fighting, squirming , trying to break free. "

Stop, let go! Get off me! I hate you!" My attacks do nothing, Tristen just hugs me tighter. Engulfing me in his warmth. Tears still stream down my face as my breaths even. We slump on the floor while Tristen rocks my body back and forwards. I know I shouldn't care yet it still hurts. The words slip out my mouth, "Why am I your second choice?" 

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