Chapter 4 - I'll be there

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This is a long chapter...
Ps: Not Edited. Sorrryyy
Have fun!

Unknown Person's POV

I saw her put the piece of jewelry under her pillow. She had gone through a lot today. I just wish that she knew what was saved for her future. I stood still as she gave one last look to me and Fred walking out of the room. "I think she needs someone to hold. Don't you think that?" Fred asked. "No, no, she needs to be held by someone... she's not feeling good these days. I think we should do it." I declared. "What! We can't, you know that right? Big father will banish us! And if we do it now, then it's the first and last time we'll ever do it.!!"

"I know, I know... but she needs us the most. We can't just stay here and do nothing. Big father knows her adoration for us and he wont banish us! why would you say such a thing!?. He wouldn't mind if we did it now... tonight." I replied, laughing while saying the end part.

"Okay, but Mic..." he tried to continue "no buts. We are doing it tonight, periodt!" I interrupted him.
I was already feeling dizzy. Telepathy is hard...

Asia's POV

I walked into the living room and saw mom dressed up along with suitcases beside her. "Mom, where are you going?" I asked. "I am going out for some days. My boss needs me to go to Las Vegas to check for the preparations for some event." She said vaguely. "But what if someone breaks in the house how will..." "Mrs. Duncan will take care of you. And I told her to take you out for a haircut tomorrow. If she asks what happened, say that you tried some hair life hacks that you found on YouTube, okay?" She said, interrupting me.

I didn't have the energy to argue. I said goodbye to her and walked into my room. I just sat listening to music the whole day. By the time it was nine o'clock, I was starving.

I went into the kitchen and searched for some frozen food in the fridge. I found some curry rice. After putting it in the oven, I thought I heard something. It was like rattling...

Unknown Person's POV

"You don't have to do it now!" He said to me. We were trying to enter her room. We found no other entrance other than the drawer of her study table. It's very hard for two of us to fit in here. "Freddie, I think you should go somewhere else. It's very crowded over here." I said. "Well, you are right. Maybe the bathroom!?" "No no no she might use it before bed." "she has never done it before so why now. She hardly pees." "Okay then, you be in the bathroom and I'll stay here. You know when to come right. As soon as she's asleep, okay? We both have to come out ok at the same time. It's been a while since I've talked to a fan.. I might need your help." I said laughing. "I've got your back. Don't worry." Fred assured me.

We both just have to wait until she finishes her food and feels sleepy.

Asia's POV

The rattling stopped. I didn't go because I was too scared. I do not know what it was, but I think it's fine to sleep in that room now.

After eating my rice, I proceeded towards my room. I am going to brush and then straight to bed.

I peeked my head through the door, just to make sure it's safe to enter. Everything was in its place and it was dead silent. I sighed a breath of relief and walked in. I grabbed my water glass and walked towards the washroom to brush my teeth.

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