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November 8th, 1942

Operation Torch.

U.S.S. Massachusetts and the U.S.S. Ranger sailed next to each other as the carrier pointed to photos in her hand, taken from her recon planes.

"Ack-Ack is pretty thick around here, plus coastal guns, here, here, and here. Then, there's this tall glass of water..." Ranger pointed to a half finished French battleship.

"Jean Bart...."

"Form up!" Massachusetts suddenly ordered loudly as a few cruisers and destroyers escorting them, lined up in battle-formation.

Back in the Moroccan port held by the Vichy Navy.

"Jean! Allied ships on the horizon!" The coastal gun known as El Hank yelled down to the brown-haired battleship sitting in port as Bart slowly stood.

"British?" Jean asked sternly, balling her fists.

"No! It's stars and stripes! It's the YANKS!" The french girl's fists loosened, sighing slightly.

"Hank and I will draw their fire, and buy the other's time..."

Soon the two navies were toe-to-toe.

"This is your last chance! Surrender now Jean! Or we will open fire!" Massachusetts yelled into the french ranks as her guns leveled off towards the Moroccan port.

Tensions were high now, as the American ships had completely surrounded the port.

"It doesn't have to be this way BART!" Although the French were split, the Union fleet was facing the Vichy French and they would fight for their neutrality one way or the other.

"Don't listen to them Jean! You damn yankees can piss off!" The coastal battery El Hank waved her middle fingers from her hilltop position and opened fire.

"Stubborn Frogs!" The Dakota-class battleship opened up with her massive guns, sending murderous rounds into port, causing light damage and fires.

"We can't leave you here!" The destroyer Milan yelled at Bart as the other French ship-girls hesitated.

"You must go now! Hank and I will cover you!" Jean yelled back, firing another salvo as Mammie covered her face from the giant pillars of water, splashing around her.

"Jean! Just surrender! I don't want to hurt you and your comrades!" Mamie cried out, sending another salvo roaring from her guns.

"You mean like the British!? You think me A FOOL!" Jean Bart gritted her teeth as she looked around at the incoming rounds, hitting and destroying ship-girls around her.

"Go NOW!" The brown-haired battleship screamed violently as she, Hank and the other coastal guns fired repeatedly at the Americans, dodging in the harbor.

"Let's go!" Milan announced bravely as she and the others got under-way.

"A couple are escaping, cut them off!" Wichita called out as she and Brooklyn began to fire on the fleeing French ships.

"Jean is just a diversion! They have breached the blockade! Destroy them!" Mamie waved her arm to the left as Whitcha grinned wildly, sailing ahead of Brooklyn.

"Come here little froggies!" Bart looked on in horror as the American guns began to change targets.


Suddenly a shell from Massachusetts hit Bart's gun ring, jamming her weapon as she tried to free it with her other hand.

"NOOOO!" Jean screamed at the sight of Fougueuxas exploding out at sea as a heavily damaged Milan was sent crashing into a beachhead.


"Ughhhh!" Mammie groaned roughly as one of Hank's shell's smashed into her side of her chest.

"Hey! I actually hit her!" Hank called out triumphantly as she looked around at the others still firing into the harbor.

"You!" Massachusetts's red eyes glared up darkly at the hillside as she saw the smoking gun that had hit her. Her turrets turned angrily as she made adjustments swiftly, staring at the gun emplacement.

"Ohhh shit..." The American rounds crashed into Hank's position, decimating her as she collapsed backwards.

"Hank!" Jean Bart yelled from the docks as the coastal gun slowly lifted a thumbs up and passed out. Jean felt weak now, the battle over as she dropped to her knees.

The French battleship glared at the smug look on Mamie's face sailing into the port, feeling grateful more than anything.

"I hate her, but... She let us fight, she let us fight with honor! To stand and fight with my all, not blown to bits like the English did to us! My honor is all I have left.... my friends..., my sister... MY COUNTRY! GONE!"

The French battleships mind declared proudly as she collapsed to her knees

"I hope you're happy?" Mamie sailed up to the damaged girl, still smirking as Jean said nothing as she tore a piece of white cloth from her undershirt and slowly waved it in the air.

"I... Surrender...."

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