One of the Unsung

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December 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor, Pier 10-10.

"Wake up Hoga! We're under attack!" Nokomis yelled, rushing into her sister's room dressed in her fire-fighting gear.

"You're pulling my anchor, no one would be that stupid." Suddenly a bomb exploded across the street, shattering Hoga's only window to pieces.

The barely awake tug dressed quickly without another word as she headed out the door to find complete chaos.

It was like hundreds of weaponized bees swarming around bombing and shooting up everything in sight.

"Oh my god."

"Let's split up to cover more ground!" Nokomis headed out first as Hoga ran, jumped in the water and headed for the thick of the fighting.

Battleship row….

She watched with  horror as the once proud battleships of the Union were fighting, burning, and sinking next to each other.

Oklahoma was fully capsized with West Virginia burning and sinking of an even keel next to her.

Tennessee and Maryland were bloodied but still in the fight as California fought to stay afloat.

Sailing alongside the ruined ships, Hoga's feet were black with oil as she spotted Vestal on her knees holding someone's hand.

"Vestal! We have to go! It's too dangerous here!" Hoga yelled as she came up next to the repair ship.

Hoga put her hand on Vestal's shoulder, the repair ship-girl looked back with a sad smile.

The tug saw Vestal was burned badly, she quickly took her hand back.

"I-I-I couldn't even do a-a-anything to h-help her." The repair ship sobbed as Hoga recognized the gloved hand in Vestal's.


"She's gone, Vestal we have to go!" Hoga was shocked to find Arizona's grip still tight around Vestal's hand.

"I'm sorry Arizona." Vestal said softly as the two ship-girls headed away from the hell continuing on Battleship row.

"Stay here." Hoga sat a shaky Vestal on a nearby beach and headed back into the maelstrom.

Looking around she saw Helena waving wildly at her.

"Hoga help me! Oglala went into shock and is in my line of fire!" The blue-haired girl held the half-capsized minelayer up by the arm.

The tug headed for Helena as she passed by a furious looking Nevada sailing and firing with everything she had.

"Come on! You want a fight? YA' GOT ONE!"

Hoga sprung into action immediately as she slipped her hands under Oglala's upper arms and dragged with all her might.

"Hang in there Oglala! I got you!" The orange-haired mine-layer was heavy, but the tug's adrenaline was full tilt.

As soon Oglala was clear, Helena's AA fire exploded to life, taking down an enemy plane almost immediately.

Hoga was pouring sweat and sore, but that didn't stop her as a voice crackled through the Tug's head.

"Stop Nevada! If she sinks in the channel we'll be double sunk!" It was Ford Island's panicky voice as Hoga looked over at the dreadnought making for the channel.

"Fish! We have to stop her!" Nokomis yelled and sailed after the fighting cowgirl as Hoga followed her.

"Come on!" Nevada screamed violently as more bombs rocked her.

"It will take more than a couple of love taps to bring me down!" Nevada staggered forward, blood pouring from eye and mouth.

"I have to find them, I have to find who sank OKLAHOMA!" Nevada shrieked as Hoga and Nokomis wrapped their arms around the dreadnought.

"Nevada! You have to stop before the channel!" Begged Nokomis as the blonde dreadnought kept moving forward.

"Pay! They will PAY!" Nevada cried hysterically, slowly steering away from the channel.

"Please, you're hurt badly!" Hoga squeezed the dreadnought and headed for a nearby beach.

Nevada stumbled and fell on the sandy beach as she continued to call out weakly for her sister.

"What now Hoga?" Nokomis asked, breathing deeply and covered in blood.

"We keep fighting Noko, save as many as you can." Hoga was in the same state as her sister as she looked around the harbour.

"Let's GO!" Hoga caught her second wind swiftly and headed back to battleship row.

72 hours later…

"Hoga, take a break." Nokomis called out as Hoga continued spraying her hose without acknowledging her sister.

"Hoga?" Nokomis reached out for her sister's shoulder as Hoga turned slowly, still spraying her hose.

"Oh Fish…." The grey-haired girl saw the blank stare in Hoga's eyes as she had witnessed the horror of war first hand.

"Come on sis." Nokomis turned the hose off, taking it from her sister's hands and helped her back to her room.

Hoga sat down speechless, looking at the broken glass on the floor as Nokomis helped her out of her dirty gear.

"Try to get some rest." Nokomis spoke lightly as Hoga remained silent.

Nokomis turned for the door, when her distressed sister gripped the hem of her  firefighter coat.

"Please sis, I don't want to be alone." Nokomis nodded, removing her gear as well and sat right next to the red-head.

"How did we let this happen!" Hoga burst into tears, her head falling in Nokomis's lap.

"Shhhh Fish, we did everything we could…." Tears streamed down Nokomis's eyes as she stroked her sobbing sister's head gently.

"We did have the Devil's Luck though, most of the repair docks are intact, so are the oil reservoirs." Nokomis wiped her eyes clear.

"It's gonna take some time but they're gonna raise everyone on Battleship row too." Hoga smiled through heavy tears at her sister's words and breathed deeply.

"That's good... to hear… Zzz... zzz…." Exhausted, the tug's eyes blinked slowly and shut, staying that way for the next two days.

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