Hornet's end

558 6 4

Santa cruz.

"Hornet! Stop screwing around and get over here!" Enterprise yelled over to her sister, heading straight for a heavy rain squall.

"I'll be fine! Stay there, I can handle it!" The blonde pulled her black hat down angrily, her green eyes looking back at Northampton.

"Stay on my ass Hammy, it's about to get ugly." Hornet glanced up at the empty sky as something felt wrong.

Not too far away.

"I don't see anything Sodak." The destroyer U.S.S. Smith looked around as South Dakota spoke up, sailing in front of her.

"Get ready..." The Battleship girl's rig came to life, her golden eyes looking to the sky.

"Damn Radar!" Hornet tapped the side of her head as it wasn't picking up anything.

The air was filled with an angry buzzing of planes, when she realized it was too late.

"They've cleared the fighters! Open fire!" Hornet ordered loudly, her screening ships anti-aircraft fire exploded into the sky like a wall of fire and steel.

"HOLY!" Smith fired wildly at the mass of sakura planes as they were everywhere.

"HEY SOUTH! I GOT ONE!" The destroyer yelled pridefully, clipping a fighter and causing it to smoke. The burning plane suddenly dived on Smith as the blonde looked up in complete shock.

"What the!?" The plane slammed into the side of her neck as fire and shrapnel ripped across her face and chest.

"AHHHHH!" The blonde destroyer screamed in agony, trying wild to swat the flames out.

"SMITH! HARD TO PORT!" South Dakota yelled over her shoulder as the small ship-girl did what she was told blindly. 

Smith sailed right into the dark-skinned girl's wake when a giant spray of water snuffed out the flames.

"T-Thanks S-Sodak." Smith groaned loudly, looking up at South Dakota, her face bloodied and charred.

"You ok?" The tall, tanned girl asked softly as the burned blonde nodded.

"I'm g-good, let's k-keep fighting." Smith wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and spat blood in the water.

Northampton waited behind Hornet, grinding her teeth as she couldn't wait to get into the fight.

"Just a...." The cruiser felt helpless, bouncing in the carrier's wake, knowing she didn't have the reach. "Little more..." 

The planes came into range as a grin touched her lips.

"NOW!" Northampton's AA-fire screamed into the sky as she pulled up next to Hornet. The tanned girl didn't like the look in Hornet's eyes as the battle-focused carrier yelled to her screening ships.

"Two groups, 1st group dive bombers! Bearing 230 southeast, 2nd group torpedo bombers Bearing! 159 Northwest! Prepare for extreme maneuvering!" The fleets anti-aircraft filled the sky as the Japanese planes began their attack.

The first plane just missed her as the next two plane's bombs slammed into Hornet, smashing her flight deck to pieces as shrapnel and debris ripped across the rigging and hull.

"Hammy! Get back!" Hornet pulled the cruiser behind her with one hand as she covered her face with the other.

"Oh no!" 

Hornet caught a glimpse of torpedo bombers lining up in front of her.

"HORNET BEHIND YOU!" Northampton yelled aloud as more torpedo-bombers bypassed her as they were focused soulfully on the carrier in front of her.

The bombers formed up in a pincer move as Hornet tried to maneuver sharply.

Suddenly a lone Val dive-bomber began it's attack on her port-side as the blonde went full tilt.

"Got ya'!" Her AA fire tore into the bomber as it just kept coming.


"Everyone get down!" Hornet's klaxon screamed over her murderous gunfire as the bomber headed straight for her and slammed into the side of her head with complete disregard.

"Aagghh!" The Blonde gripped her bleeding head with her right hand as she patted out the fires wildly with her left. 

"HORNET!" North cried out, causing the carrier to look over to see long Lance torpedoes heading right for her.

Hornet just sighed and shook her head slowly.

"I'm sorry Enterprise...."

The warheads blew two giant holes in her hull, knocking out her engines.

The blonde started coughing violently as she dropped to her knees, dead in the water.

The union carrier tried to catch her breath as another burning plane slammed into her port-side, rocking her to her keel.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" The screening ship-girls all looked over in horror as Hornet leaned back, screaming in pain at the sky and collapsed to the water.

The surviving IJN planes beat a quick get away as the U.S. ship-girls circled the crippled carrier slowly.

"What do we do now?" A destroyer asked weakly, when Northampton suddenly screamed, embracing the damage carrier.


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