Australia's End

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Off the coast of Australia.

April 12, 1924...

"C-C-Come on l-l-luv...." A small, brown-haired tugboat said with a stutter, holding the hand of the worn-out battle-cruiser Australia on a sunny afternoon. 

"Thanks Mollie." The little tug smiled sadly, towing the uniformed girl slowly through calm seas as today was a very sobering event.

Australia was the pride and protector of her country and despite her properly cleaned uniform, Australia herself was in bad shape. 

Her long, blonde hair was ragged and unkempt as she had large bags under her light blue eyes. Her skin was pale and sunken in as she'd been like this for almost 3 weeks. 

After hearing about the Washington Treaty and her "nomination" Australia stopped eating or sleeping properly as the others started to really worry about her, but they knew there was nothing that they could do.

"I'm going to be scuttled...." 

Australia thought dreadfully to herself as she was actually supposed to have a week and a half left, but with the arrival of the British Special Service Squadron everything changed. 

The light-cruiser Melbourne followed closely behind her, wiping her eyes continuously as the cruisers Brisbane, Adelaide, Anzac, and Stalwart followed behind her in the same state. 

The British battle-cruiser H.M.S. Hood sailed ahead of Australia, her face steeled against the blowing sea as she knew what had to be done.

This gave Australia time to think, she had lived a decent life as she has seen her share of fighting even if not a lot. The blonde had regretted slamming into her sister New Zealand and missing out on the battle of Jutland. 

When she returned home, she had some trouble with her crew as it only got worse from there.

Soon she became a training ship and then with no ammo being made for her main 12" guns anymore, she entered the reserves. 

She was old now and she knew the navy wouldn't spend the money to modernize her. With the war over, the Washington treaty was the final blow as she was counted among the British Fleet and not as an independent country. 

She felt helpless and betrayed as the protector of Australia was to be sent to the bottom of the ocean.

Unfortunately the country of Australia did not have the capacity of the U.S. scrappers and the British Navy's Target ship roster was full of British vessels, with no room to spare.

"Hail." Hood came to a stop as the others followed suit. 

"Thanks again luv, go on now." The blonde patted Mollie's head lightly for the last time as the tug sailed back to the others. 

Australia looked over to Melbourne as the cruiser sailed up and embraced the weary battle-cruiser deeply. Australia hugged the girl, fighting back her own tears.

"Buck up Mel and look sharp ya'? Take care of the others ok? You're in charge now." Australia leaned back and fixed the sobbing girl's uniform as she pulled her handkerchief from her breast pocket and wiped the cruiser's wet face. Melbourne could only nod weakly as Hood came up next to them. 

"Are your affairs in order?" Hood asked firmly.

Australia was about to answer when Melbourne spoke up suddenly. 

"It's not fair." The amber-haired girl snapped as her fists tightened at her sides. 

"I beg your pardon!?" The pride of the British Navy turned swiftly to the angry cruiser as Melbourne yelled this time.

"I said! IT'S NOT BLOODY FAIR!" Hood raised her hand furiously at the rude Aussie ship-girl, when something gripped her wrist.

"Please Lady Hood..., overlook this. She's too passionate for her own good." Hood jerked her hand back, swiftly straightening her uniform and posture.

"Fine! let's go." Hood took Australia's hand roughly as the Aussie girl held her ground.

"Just another moment, please?" Australia leaned forward and kissed Melbourne on the forehead as she held the handkerchief with her name embroidered on it against the cruiser's chest.

The two ship-girls just looked at one another as Hood slowly pulled Australia away.

"Can you please take me farther out?" Australia asked quietly as Hood nodded.

The two battle-cruiser sailed over the horizon as Hood stopped again and slowly turned with a revolver in her hand. 

Australia took the firearm, checking it over as she pulled the hammer back and put it to the side of her head. 

With her finger on the trigger, Australia smiled out to sea with tears running down her face as she called out her motto proudly.



"Ventis Secundis...." Hood said somberly as Australia collapsed to the sea and her final resting place.

An airplane flew overhead and dropped a wreath over top of where the Australian ship-girl had sunk as Brisbane fired a rolling 21-gun salute.

"I will see your name is carried on, this, I swear!" 

Hood saluted properly as a single tear fell from her eye....

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