3- Nice To Meet You Or Not

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Two Days Later...

As I was working in my office I heard a bit of commotion happening downstairs. I walk down the flight of stairs to see what is going on. As I reach the place where the noise is at its peak I realize that The Fallen Devils were finally here.

"So nice of you guys to grace us with your presence and would you look at that you had 5 minutes to spare," I say as I point to my watch that sits on my right wrist. " Well, we didn't want you to get the wrong idea and think we aren't showing or that we are creating a crazy evil plan to take over this mission" Mason gives me a sly smile as he finishes. If looks could kill at this point he would be dead and his life-less body would be sprawled across the floor with his blood spread all over the wall. But that dream disappears quickly. The cause of that was that Mason was trying to get my attention by clearing his throat. I looked up at him and copied his sly smile sarcastically for a quiet second.

"Okay EVERYONE TABLE NOW," I yell this and turn my back and walk away. I sway my hips slightly but enough for him to notice. As I make it to the table I turn around to look at Mason to see if he had noticed my sexual innuendo. He definitely had noticed because as I look at him his eyes are set on my ass. It's like he can feel my eyes staring at him as if it's burning his skin. He looks up and straight into my eyes. He looks like a little kid that had been caught stealing one too many cookies from the cookie jar and gulps. I grin at him and take my seat at the table. I point to the others chairs across from me hinting that the silly boys from The Fallen Devils should sit there.

Once they sat down we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The noise had started to grow louder as the rambunctious group ascended closer to the dining table. As they make it to the table they all stop as they look at the other gang sitting there. They look at me then back to the group and go find their seat at the table. All but Jackson as he walks towards Mason and stands over him. He looks over him and stares him down. He looks like this imitating scary person but in reality, he is a big cuddle bear but doesn't tell him I said that or he will try to kill me. Try is the keyword see he could never kill anyone that means a lot to him. Thats one reason why I clicked with him once I met him and why I opened up to him so quickly. I made eye contact with Jackson and nodded my head to the other side of the table which has an open seat that is in direct eye line with me. He looks at the empty chair and then back to Mason. Mason looks up to him and smiles sarcastically. Jackson lets out a small yet annoying huff as he mumbles something so quietly that I have no idea what he was saying. He pulls out the chair making a horrible noise as it drags across the floor. He throws himself onto the chair and slumps down. All eyes are on him as he throws his little tantrum for not getting the seat he wanted. I give him a look that looks like I'm saying are you serious right now.

"Okay now that everyone is here and is seated can we start the introductions." I look around the table and we all come to the agreement that we can continue. "Would you like to start since this is your mission and we are at your home base?" "Of course. This is the Death Angels." I say as I swing my arm towards the team that sits on my right. "Death Angels this is The Fallen Devils and Mason who is becoming their leader." As I say this I swing my arm around to the left. "Thats it. We don't get names or anything." "You want names and details fine." I swerve my head to the right and look at my team. I look back at Mason and give him another sarcastic smile. I sit up straighter. "Here we have Liam and Carter they are two brothers and their job is combat. Then we have Moxie. She's are hacker, but she knows how to use a gun if she needs to. There is Scarlett who works on our disguise and what we need to wear but she is not afraid of joining a fight when she needs to. There is Asia. She is my right-hand man when it comes to anything with the team. She is the person you will go to if you have any problems. Don't interrupt me only if you really need to or someone is dying. Then there is Jackson He is also my right-hand man He deals with the shipment and all of that stuff. Lastly, there is me Grace Donovan. There is not much to say except I'm the leader. Now was that enough details and information for you" I sneer. I was pointing out who everyone was I kept my glare on Mason the whole time. I wait for him to say something but he just sits there staring back at me. He leans back into his seat and crosses his arms.

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