11- Among The Fallen

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Grace POV

Right when we walk in. I stop at the door fearing what's inside of this dreadful place. I turn my head and meet Mason's eyes. He grabs my hand to stop it from trembling. As I stare into his honey-like eyes. Get stuck into my never-ending thoughts. Am I ready to face the past? Can I do this? I shake my head at these thoughts. It's now or never I waited too long for this. I can't back down now.

I straighten out my back and forcefully let go of his hand. I open the door and make big strides to the back door. Mason following in my path. As I continued to walk in this poorly lit room it's filled with laughter and bright flashy colors. The people fill out the room making it almost impossible to walk anywhere. Alcohol consumes the room and smoke are inhaled through everyone's nose. The people here are distracted from the horror of the outside world by staying in this funhouse. What they don't understand is they have been lied to. The flashy bright colors blind them from seeing the pain and agony. The laughter that bounces off the walls drowns out the cries and moans from others. The alcohol makes them forget what they have seen. The smoke masks the smell of blood that seeps through these walls. This place is no funhouse it's the gateway to hell.

As I look around this dreadful room I see money being spent and thrown around without a care in the world. I'm going to let you in on a secret. The money is fake or dirty. It's either blood money or ones they printed just hours before. They do this to switch out the money that they have for the real shit. The people here have no clue what they are a part of. If they figure it out and try to do something about they get robbed from everything. Even their life.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn my head and flip my hair over my shoulder as I look to see who tapped my shoulder. I look to see the tall courageous man behind me. Mason points to the door that's not too far from us. I nod my head and he goes to open it. He flings the door open causing a dramatic bang. Everyone's attention directs their way over to us. Curiosity fills the prisoner's faces as they try to figure out who we are and why they're here. Shawn softly closes the door this time, not that it matters, no one can hear it over the loud music and laughter.

I walk as close as I can to the prisoners and lower myself down to their level. I stare straight into two of the prisoner's eyes. "Hi, Xavier and Jayden. How are you doing?" Confusion sweeps over their faces. They look to each other and then back to me as they try to figure out who I am. This only makes this more interesting. I look over and see that all 4 of them are tied up the exact same. Bonded at the hands and feet and tape over their mouths. I walk over to Xavier and rip off the tape. He screeches in pain and screams in agony. "Hurts like a bitch doesn't it." I walk over doing the same to Jayden. Xavier looks at me with fire behind his eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" "Now Xavier you're not in any position to ask any questions here," I say in a sarcastic baby voice. He spits trying to aim for me but misses and hits the tip of my shoe.

Annoyance and anger rake through my body as I approach him. I gab my heel into his foot and twist it side to side a few times. He yelps through the aching and throbbing pain as he bends down to try and comfort his foot. I grab his ear and bring it closer to my lips. "Dolor autem non exleris ad infirmitatem." (Pain is weakness, don't surrender to it.) I whisper with a sly grin attached to it. He slowly moves his head back so he can see me. His mouth is dropped open and his eyes are occupied with confusion and curiosity. I lower my glasses a bit so he can identify me.

After a couple of seconds of staring at me, he realizes who it is. "Anastasia?" He whispers under his breath. "In the flesh." "How... I thought you?" "Nope, you thought wrong" "Heads up, Next time when you spread gasoline around a house make sure you cover all it," I whisper in his ear again. He gulps loudly and slowly sinks in his seat hoping it will help him disappear.

"What do you want?" "Payback." "For what? We have never seen you before." Jayden who is one of the other prisoners speaks up. I quickly turn my head to look at him. "Who do you think you're talking to?" Before Jayden gets to speak up Xavier cuts him off. "Dude shut up thats Ana." I glare at Xavier for using that name. Jayden keeps opening and closing his mouth not knowing what to say or think. "Look at who learned to close his mouth. You should have learned that a long time ago. You know before you went and ran your mouth all over town spreading shit." Jayden's face grows red in embarrassment. I can feel the judging stares from Shawn and his crew but I will just deal with that tomorrow.

"Ana, I'm sorry but what payback are you talking about?" Xavier asks "Don't act like you forgot, you should know me well enough to know what's going to happen." "No Ana clearly I don't. I haven't seen you in 5 years." "Your right you don't know me or what I'm capable of. So listen closely. There are a couple of guys out there who are going to rob you and they are going to kill you in here while the rest burns. Sounds familiar right?" "Bitch you're crazy," Jayden exclaims after he hears my plan. "What are you doing while they rob and kill us." " Oh, I just call the shots." "So you're just going to kill us in this club?" "Yep, don't worry the whole club fucking wasted anyway. They won't remember shit. Oh Shit, I'm sorry Xavier I forgot to inform you, your wife is in the back of my car." You can see the anger coursing through his body. He thrashes in his seat shouting that he is going to kill me. "Oh, maybe this time I'm going to stay dead." I laugh as he tries to break out of his chair. "Okay god calm down you know I would never harm your wife." He starts to settle down but soon the realization hits him again. If he died now he would never be with his wife again. "Ana please there must be something I can do or give you. Name your price and I will double it. Just please let us go." I lower myself again to get into his face. "Pay me what you want. Nothing will ever good enough than watching you burn." I say the last part quiet and slow just for him to hear me. I stay in his face as I tell the others to continue with their tasks.

The guys outside pull the fire alarm and start gathering their money. Once we get the okay from Moxie, I get up from my position as I tell Jackson to do it. He shoots the two randoms in the head. Xavier and Jayden keep yelling at me to stop this and that they would do anything for me. I don't listen to them. I hear Xavier tell me that Mr. Reyes will hear of this and try to find me. "Thats the plan," I tell him. I keep looking at the walls trying to find a certain spot. Where is it? Why did they put this ugly wallpaper up? Eww. I walk around till I find what I was looking for. I stretch my hand out for Jackson to put the knife in. I take the knife and slice through the wallpaper. I start opening it more to find the crest for The Reyes. I stick the knife through it and leave it there. I look back to Jackson and nod my head. Mason and I leave the room and start walking back to the van.

Once we get halfway through the casino we hear two gunshots go off in the back room signaling that Xavier and Jayden are now dead. We hear the group's footsteps gathering all in the room. I tell Jackson to shut the door. The backroom is made out of stainless steel meaning that the fire won't burn it down. The rest of the group pours gasoline down each corner and creases in the casino. Everyone evacuated since the fire alarm went off so we have to work fast and safely so we don't get caught. Once everyone is down they run down to the van which is parked around the corner in a poorly lit alleyway. Right, when Mason and I walk outside I throw my lighter into a pile of gasoline. We both run to the alleyway in till I stop and look back to the building. I see it being engulfed in fire. It looks like one big red fiery monster is attacking and destroying all that it touches. Mason pulls me to keep running. Right, when we all get into the van we make sure everyone is here and we have everything. Just then Jack puts his foot down on the gas and speeds all the way back home.

Pop. The Champagne bottle explodes in the kitchen making everyone erupt into a giggle fit. "And to a very successful mission with The Fallen Devils. The first of many" Jackson says as he lifts his glass into the air. "To the Fallen Angels," Asia adds "To the Fallen Angels" Everyone chants. We all clink the glasses and bring them to our mouths. I see Mason staring down at me. I know he is confused about what happened in that back room. But that's tomorrow's problem that I will have to deal with. Tonight all I want to do is drink my Champagne and take a shower.

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