22- Behind The Gun

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Grace POV

Today's the day. It is our last mission before we go and destroy The Reyes. I know the saying is 'Go Big or Go Home' but tonight we are going to do the opposite of that. I want them to think they got us when they didn't. If anything I think it made us a better team. If you don't count the awkwardness between Mason and I went we are left alone. Mason has tried to talk to me about it but I just walk away from him.

Currently, we are getting into the van for the last time. "Where are we headed?" I hear Levi asks. "somewhere no one knows," I tell him vaguely. Everyone except Moxie and Jack looks at me confused and concerned. I don't explain myself and I just sit here. Everyone knows not to bother me or ask questions at this point. They all look out the window trying to figure out where we arena where we are going.

Jack pulls the van over on a dirt road I hear the whispers of the groups circulating the van. "Man, where did you bring us," Charles asks Jack. "Do you think I know? Grace just told me to park on this road" Jack blurts out as he shrugs his shoulders. "Okay, everyone out," I yell to them as I slam open the car door. Everyone quickly jumps out of the van leaving Moxie and Jack alone in there. Mason waits near the door waiting for me to leave so he can close it. Before I start walking away I look back at the two who are still in the car. "So I know that you two aren't needed for this mission. But please refrain from having sex in the van. Thank you." Yep, you guessed it. They started going out. One but thats, not all Scarlett and Asher are also going out. Moxie's face turns bright red in embarrassment. She quickly shoos me away and closes the door because Mason is just standing there laughing his head off.

I start walking towards my destination not caring if the rest are following. I continued my stride towards the fine establishment. I hastily stop and just stare straight at the building. Everyone abruptly stops walking before they hit and walk into me. They crane their necks around me to see what it is. All their faces drop and skepticism washes over their features.

"Why are we at a barn?" Asher asks Mason. Mason slowly shrugs his shoulders as he ponders over the same question. I don't look over my shoulder but I know they are all staring at me like I'm crazy. This makes me smirk slightly. "Are you here to meet your friends and family Grace?" Charles asks me in a sarcastic tone. He gives me a fake pout as he stares at me. Before I have the chance to speak someone beats me too. "No Charles. We are here because this is going to be your new home. You know cause you are a pig." Scarlett says jokingly. Mason and Asher stifle their laughter. Everyone around them burst out in laughter as I chuckle and high-five her.

I go open the barn door and sweep my hand guiding them to come in. I walk in and look around. This place hasn't changed at all since I last visited. Everyone walks aimlessly around the barn trying to figure out where we are and why. Mason roughly grabs my arm and pulls me towards the far corner away from everyone. "Why are we here?" He spits out. "We are here so we can put on a show." "What are you talking about Grace" "The Reyes of course." I walk away saying a bit as I step in the middle of the room.

"I believe you are all wondering why we are here?" They all nod their heads as they stare at each other trying to figure out if anyone here knows the reasons. "This barn is owned by The Reyes currently we are on their territory." Their faces flash with panic. "Are you stupid? we aren't prepared to fight them yet." Levi barks out. "Oh, calm down guys. I'm not stupid. We are too far north for them to know we are here. They hardly come here. This is where they talk about business and sometimes take care of it. No cameras and no one is near. It's pretty perfect." I explain to them. They slowly nod their heads as they finally understand. "They sent us a message. I believe it's time to do the same." "How do you plan on doing that," Asher asks. "We are going to make them surrender to the heat," I say as I walk over to the gasoline they store in here.

I pull them out and start handing them out. Once everyone has two jugs each we start spreading it out. Once the barn is halfway covered in the explosive juice I pull Liam and Carter away. I whisper in their ears what to do and hand them each a bottle of red spray paint. I send them off and they both run out the barn. I look over and see everyone finishing up. I stand in the middle overseeing everything happening. I look to my left when I feel the presence of someone there. There stands a Mason who looks like he is going a bit crazy. You can see the adrenaline running through his body, his heart racing, and his hands shaking. His face holds excitement but also worry. I push his shoulder slightly to get his attention. He quickly turns to look at me. "What's going on with you," I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders and looks back to the group.

I smirk at him and then lean in towards his ear. "Do you feel your own heart fucking racing?" As I start to whisper in his ear he jumps back. Completely surprised at how close I am to him. But I continue. "You're eyes lighting up cause you know that I've got something up my sleeve. You see the thing thats different between you and me is that I walk my talk, no time for wishful thinking." He looks over at me and runs his eyes up and down my body. "Hey," He says. I softly nod my head at him. "Can we talk about what happened at the party?" I quickly move my head up to look at him in his face. "No," I say stern but fast. Fast. "Why" "Because I said so" He turns his body to face me. I copy him which makes him piss again. "Are we ever going to talk about?" "Not if I can help it," I tell him. Before this debate could continue we hear a noise that distracts us.

We hear Jackson clear his throat. We both briskly look towards him. He tells us he is finished. I nod my head at him and tell the others that we need to go now. Jackson leaves first to make sure the two brothers are finished now. Once everyone is out of the building I throw yet another Reyes lighter into the building watching the fiery flames grow and gather their strength.

We all start running to the van. Once we get there I look back to see the fire engulf the whole barn up in flames. I look at the old trunk thats on the grass near the fire but far enough so it doesn't catch on fire. The word spray-painted on the trunk read "Get ready for a fight because we are coming without a warning"

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