18- Invitation To Hell

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Grace POV

As we walk in the house I see the group huddles around in the kitchen staring at something that's on the table. "Hey, guys what's up," Asia says as she walks in. They shush her and go back to staring at the table. We all look at each other confused and start to slowly walk towards the huddled group. I look over Scarlett's shoulder and see an envelope sitting on the table. I grab it and look closely at it as I feel there is something familiar to it. I stare closely at the handwriting and then it hits me why this is so familiar. I gasp slightly when I realize who sent this. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mason asking what's wrong. Asia replays just by shrugging her shoulders. I rip open the envelope to reveal an invitation. I hear Scarlett let out an ohhhh from behind me as she looks over my shoulder like how I did minutes ago to her. I read the invitation out loud to the group.

"The Fallen Angels are invited to a party tomorrow night. It's a masquerade ball." "Who is it from, Who is it from," Scarlett says excitedly as she jumps up and down. This girl loves a party. I don't even have to read the invite to know this answer. "The Reyes," I tell her. She stops jumping as her mouth drops open. Everyone's reaction is the same as I look around the room. "When do we have to get there," Mason asks as he pulls out of the shocking state that everyone is still currently in. "At 630 sharp," I tell him. One by one, they all come back to their normal state. Once I see everyone is back to normal I start to talk again. "Okay so since we are going into the enemy's traitor we have to be prepared for anything. Don't forget that others will be there so you must blend in. Don't stick out like a sore thumb or else someone will suspect something. Bring your gun just in case something goes down. But don't be the cause. Got it" I tell them. I hear a bunch of 'got it' from everyone. Out of the blue Scarlett starts to screech. "YAY I better start destining the outfits now." She jumps out of her seat and runs upstairs. After a few short seconds, we hear her slamming her door close. Welp, I guess we won't see her until the party.

I push my way upstairs as I mutter an excuse as I pass through. I rush upstairs and head straight to my office. Once I get there, I throw myself onto the chair. I let out a loud huff and sigh as I run a hand over my face and through my hair pulling at it a tad bit. All too soon my phone rings. I pick it up roughly and bark through the phone. "Its Grace who am I speaking with?" "Ana dear it's Luis." "what do you what" I hiss at him. "Oh common on Anastasia calm down, give this old man a break. I wanted to call you to personally invite you to a party I'm hosting. Now before you say no and that you can't it's a masquerade party so no one will know you, Ana. When I introduce you it will be by Grace no one will have to know it's you." "Luis I don't know, I don't think I can make it," I tell him. "but I haven't even told you when it will be." "Okay, when is it?" "Tomorrow evening." "Ya you know that doesn't work for me" "Nonsense Ana. You are coming end of the discussion. See you tomorrow." Before I could argue against him, he hangs up the phone. I huff and grunt loudly as I slam the phone down to stop the ringing.

I decide to go and get myself something to drink. As I get downstairs, I see both teams getting ready to watch a movie again. I go and make myself a tea as the group tells me to come and join them. "Maybe next time. I'm just going to go to my room. I'm feeling sick. I won't be able to go to the party tomorrow." I lie to them. Before I start going upstairs, I see Jackson and Asia throwing me a sad face. I know they both know that I'm lying about being sick. They just think it's for another reason since they are the only two that know the truth. I give them a small smile and head upstairs. Hopeful they won't be too mad at me tomorrow.

AN- hey guys sorry for the short chapter. I promise the next one will be longer.

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