~My Perfect Match~

878 31 44

Summary - Hueningkai is known as the nerdy boy around school, in a small group of friends who work hard to do good in school. Soobin on the other hand was very popular around school with a large group of friends who stuck to themselves. So what happens when the two most polar opposite people in school are actually secretly together?

Word count: 10,000+

Requested by - Radhika_Sethi

|Thursday 7:42pm |

Soobin let a deep breath force its way out of his exhausted body, laying with his eyes shut on the mattress. "Today was so exhausting..." he quietly mumbled, laying his arm over his eyes.

A small sigh came from somewhere in the room before the bed dipped beside the older. Shapes soon being traced over his tummy from the other figure beside him. "How many girls tried getting your number today hyungie?" Kai asked curiously, softly rubbing the olders stomach.

Peeking past his arm, soobin looked up at the young boy. "15. And I couldn't just tell them to go away or else they get mad and ask if I'm taken and stuff." He whined, tired of being constantly hit on by the girls at school. Yet of course he couldn't just avoid it, his whole friend group would question him if he did.

Kai bit his cheek, thinking for a moment as he slowly tapped his fingers. "If only I could kiss you in school. That would stop them from asking" hyuka cutely mentioned, smiling sweetly at Soobin.

This caused the older to laugh deeply, "that's cute pup, but if people found out we were dating we'd be stoned before we had the chance to run " he joked gently, but he was serious aswell. Wrapping his arms around the other and pulling him down so he could cuddle the younger.

"Yeah..." Hueningkai sighed sadly, wrapped his arms around Soobin as the older burried himself into his chest. Softly playing with his hair to comfort soobin. It wasnt like the two want to hide their love, but it wasn't even like they hung out in school. They were in two very different friend groups, neither of which knowing they even knew each other and would likely not even believe them if they did tell them.

So it was like they had a class difference within school. Soobin was popular and hung out with all the cool and hot kids. While Hueningkai was considered a nerd, working on his schooling and hanging out with The art kids. These differences make it impossibility for them to hang out in school, so they almost always come back to each others home to cuddle and play games when possible.

Kai tried to push away the sad truth as he opened his mouth to speak, closing it once he heard soft snores coming from the tired Soobin. Smiling and kissing his forehead. "Sleep tight Hyung, I got to get home. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He sweetly spoke, rubbing the olders cheek as he stirred awake for a moment.

Soobin whined in refusal, too tired to fight to keep the younger there however. So as kai stood up and gave him one last long kiss, all he could do is lay there and except the fact that Hueningkai needed to go home. "Be safe please?" Soobs worriedly spoke, holding his hand and pouting.

"I'll be as safe as possible hyungie ~" Kai smiled and kissed his hand before leaving quietly. The older being left alone to fall back asleep out of exhaustion.

|Friday 8:23 am|

The next morning was definitely an interesting endeavor. Hueningkai was walking by himself to school, yawning softly as he stretched his arms. Stopping at the gates of the school as he noticed his small friend group waiting by the school doors just chatting.

With a small smile Kai marched over to them, "you guys didn't have to wait for me" he announced sweetly. Wrapping his two closes friends in a hug first before goofing around with the other two aswell.

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