~Run Away~ Pt.2

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(I highly recommend you listen to this song before reading this next part, it'll really set the mood of the story. Thank you, enjoy!)

Theme - Slight Angst

Timeline - Modern Day

Years had passed since the two had ran away from home, living together in Busan.  Kai and Soobin were happy, but sad times still happen without asking. Kais older sister Lea had passed away in a fatal car crash. He was broken at the news, falling into tears at the news of her passing. Soobin tried to comfort the younger but knew Kai needed some time to himself before someone else tried to help.

The younger didn't go to work for the next two weeks, laying in their shared bed as he quietly cried. He wouldn't talk to Soobin, wouldn't eat, and barely slept. It was painful to watch him go through this, and Soobin was unsure on how to help him, wanting to just hold him and tell him everything was going to be fine. When he took Kai away all he wanted to do was keep him safe from his past, to keep him safe by his side. Without realizing it, he was taking him from his own family. Kais sisters were nice, they were nothing but supportive when they heard of their brother running away with Soobin. So while this passing was hurting Kai it was also hurting Soobin, he couldn't let Kai know he was being so affected by Lea's death. Soobin couldn't even go on his phone anymore, cause he remembers only a few nights before the crash he talked to her. The messages still on his phone, and every word made him want to cry.

They had talked about Soobins proposal, he wanted to marry Kai, he wanted her there in place for Kais mother, fully knowing neither of his parents would want to go. They planned everything, down to the night that he was going to ask him. Now all those plans seemed so dull in his eyes, he felt pain reading the words as he cried silently in the guest room. It had been a hard last two weeks, despite the hard times that the two were going through Soobin still went to work. He worked extra hours to make up for Kais lack of working, but he just wanted Kai to rest rather then push himself.

By the end of the second week Soobin wanted to make an effort to comfort Kai, so one evening as he was coming home from work he picked up flowers. He had brought clothes with him to switch into. A nice suit with a baby blue tie, it fit nicely as he had it tailored. Soon walking into the shared apartment, "Ning Ning. I'm home." Soobin announced as he took his shoes off and setting down his work stuff. Slowly he walked to the shared bedroom, knocking once before entering and seeing Kai sat on the bed with wet hair, he looked fresh out of the shower. Yet the soft frown that laid on his lips showed how his mind was still caught on the news. Soobin frowns gently before entering and going over to Kai, setting the flowers down beside him. He gently bent down to look at Kais face as it was held low. "Hey, lets go for a walk, okay?" Soobin hummed at the other as he rubbed his cheek gently. Kai nodded gently as he watched the olders gentle eyes.

Soobin stood up and helped Kai up from the bed, kissing his forehead softly as he held his hands. Guiding him to the front door and helping him put his shoes on. Soobin was so patient with the quiet boy, walking down the street towards the park. Feeling Kai wrap his arm around his own, interlocking them as he seemed scared to lose him. Once at the park they walked slowly as the silence grew.

"I miss her..."Kai was the first one to speak, his voice harsh and quiet. "I do too Kai, she really cared for you." Soobin whispered and looked at him gently. The silence once again growing between them. This time it was Soobin's turn to talk, taking a deep breath of the late evening air before continuing, "She'd want you, Us, happy. You know that right?" His voice shook in nervousness, was he really going to be able to say it? Kai looked up at Soobin as he stopped his walking, he looked confused as he tried to ask what the other meant.

Yet no words made it past his lips as he watched the taller slowly kneel in front of him. Kais eyes widened as he quickly tried to protest through his hands over his mouth, tears pricking his eyes before another word was said. "I wasn't sure how to do this, or what to say, but I love you so much HueningKai.  I-I talked to Lea a few nights before her passing, we talked for hours about this moment, about me kneeling in front of you.." Soobin was finding it hard to talk as his own tears caught up to him, he tried to hold it back as he continued with a sniffle. "She wanted you happy. This was suppose to be really romantic, and happy, B-but seeing you so deprived of life these last two weeks made me realize that I can't wait any longer." Soobin sniffles and wipes away his own tears, seeing the tears falling from Kais cheeks as he listened with so much attention. He pulled out the little box from his jacket pocket and opened it. "She even helped me pick out the ring. "Soobins sweetly sad laugh rang through the cold air. "W-Will you marry me HueningKai? So we can hold each other forever, until death due us part." Soobin watched how Kai shakily nodded as he bursted further into tears. Standing up and sliding the ring on his finger, both in tears whether happy or sad.

 Soobin hugged Kai close for the first time in two weeks. Letting him cry into his chest as the cold air surrounded them. Soobin held him close, so close. He felt like he would never feel heartbreak with Kai in his arms, and even the cold air seemed warm with him in his arms. Holding each other never felt so warm, and staying like that seemed to calm each others distressed minds. Kai moving away to softly thank Soobin with a gentle kiss, and even with his eyes puffy and cheeks flushed from the cold, he still looked beautiful. He still looked like perfection in Soobins eyes.

They walked around for a little longer before going back home, spending the rest of the night holding each other, being the shoulder for the other to lean on. To Kai it made him happy to know his sister cared so much. Looking at the ring in awe, it did look like something his sister would pick out. With that thought he found himself closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep, snuggled into Soobins chest in a hoping want that his sister was smiling down upon them. She was finally happy to see them truly happy. To finally see them hold each other, even in the saddest of times.


Okay so this was the second part to finish off ~Run Away~. Both sad but also really nice, another one of my favorites that I've written thus far. A big Thank you to

@jjunghoon99 for mentioning your want for some of the stories to continue, I don't know if I would have written this part had you not have mentioned it. So thank you, and I hope everyone has enjoyed these thus far. :)

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