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Summary - Kai becomes extremely jealous of his eldest hyungs being super clingy and giggly together. Making a hopeless wish for Soobin to be his and only his.

Requested by: Anonymousreader1656

Word Count: 1,900+ (kinda short ngl)

Kais POV

Today was a tiring day. It was easy to see that by the way the members around me were just a little less loud. All somewhat silently eating their late dinner in the dorm.

I played with my food, seemingly uninterested in eating as I slightly gaze at the two members in front me. Listening to how Yeonjun hyung laughed quietly as he whispered something to Soobin hyung.

Slowly I set my chopsticks down, 'lost my appetite I guess'. Gently yawning as I stood from the table, receiving the attention of all four of my members.

"I'm off to bed, not feeling very hungry" I hummed with a small stretched.

"Oh, okay. Rest well" Taehyun hummed and got up to give me a small pat at my back, receiving a similair treatment from Gyu as well.

"Sleep well Hueningning" Soobin smiled softly in my direction before turning back to Yeonjun hyung to continue their quiet talk.

With a small exhale of annoyance I made my way to the restroom to freshen up before bed.

My eyes trailed over my tired and worn figure, relaxing into a deep exhale. Hands coming up to ruffle my hair messily.

I turned on the sink, watching the water spiral down the drain. Cupping some of the water and splashing my face."Why does Soobinnie hyung spend so much time with Yeonjun hyung. He's my gum, not hyungs." The question lingered on my mind as the sound of the water running filtered and faded into the background.

Closing my eyes tightly I gripped the counter. A quiet exhale eoched in the small bathroom, "I wish my gum would come back. Soobinnie hyung is mine, no one elses. Just. Mine." The words sounded almost spiteful as I spoke them, Shocking even myself.

Quickly I turned off the water. Concerned for my words I walked quietly to my bed and laid down. Hoping some good rest will clear my head of the crazy possesiveness I have been having over my tall rabbit hyung.

Eyes being squeezed closed tightly, letting the tiredness set in and drift me off into a deep dreamless slumber.
- - -

3rd POV

The bright early morning woke Kai. The curtains pulled back just slightly to shine into the room.

Softly grumbling Kai blinked his eyes open, wiggling in his position to get more comfortable. A quiet whine being heard from behind him, causing kais eyes to widen as he looked over his shoulder.

Kai gasped at the cute sight of a grumpy Soobin sleeping all snuggled up behind him, arms tightly wrapped around the other in protest of him moving.

"H-hyung, what are you doing?" Kai mumbled out a little shocked as he tried to squirm away.

Soobin whined and opened his eyes to close them again, dragging the poor boy closer. "Ah Hueningning, dont move~ Your gum will miss you to much" his voice was soft and whiny.

Kai smiled softly, 'did my wish come true??' He thought as he turned around and cuddled Soobin back.

"Okay my gum, I wont move~" he spoke in baby for the cuddly older, hearing a pleased hum in response.

Kai smiled to himself, closing his eyes and relaxing at the warm scent of Soobin. 'Finally, my gum. All mine~' he purred mindlessly, drifting back off even with the early morning sun beaming down on them.
Once kai had woken up fully he somehow managed to squirm out of Soobins arms. Grabbing a new exchange of clothes and making his way to the shower.

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