~A Thousand Years~

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Summary - HueningKai and Soobin make a promise to find each other in their next life as the plane they are aboard  starts to go down and crashes. Moving onto their next life with the feeling of loss until one day.

Word Count- 6,000+

3rd POV

|Passengers for GATE 4 is boarding. Please make your way to GATE 4. Thank you|

The voice over the intercom announced. Alarming the passenegers for said gate, being quick to wake their kin and make their ways to the gate.

Hueningkai heard the announcement and put his phone away before gently waking soobin sleeping on his arm. "Hyung its time to board" he softly hummed.

Soobins eyes fluttered open at Kais voice, grunting sleepily as he sat up. "Already? " he mumbled with a small yawn.

Kai stood and stretched his limbs a bit before smiling at Soobin, "yep! Come on, I want to arrive as soon as possible! I cant wait to travel around the USA! " Kai quietly laughed, jumping around like a happy kid.

Soobin stood with a small laugh, hugging Kai's waist before grabbing his bags. "You know most people go to hawaii for their honey moons" he teased, scruntching up his nose cutely.

Kai smiled and pintched Soobins cheeks gently, "whats wrong with traveling the US for a honeymoon? You get to see lots of things soobinnie~" he pouted, shrugging his shoulders all cute.

Soonbin couldnt hold his smile, rolling his eyes a little before pecking kais cheek. "There is nothing wrong with it. If I didnt like the idea we wouldnt be going on this trip. Now hurry along! We gotta get to our gate" he ushered the younger along.

The two swiftly making their way to the gate with their tickets and luggage. Dropping off the bags before waiting to board. Sharing small excited smiles as they waited patiently in the line.
It wasn't long until they we're seated. Soobin by the window seat and Kai in the hallway seat. Kai may have splurged and got firstclass cause he didn't want anyone else sitting with them, but he'd never admit that to Soobin.

"Very comfy, I can already feel myself falling asleep" Soobin cooed, dramatically fluttering his eyes as he relaxed into the seat. Electing a small giggle from HueningKai.

"Might as well, it'll be a bit before we take off anyways. I'll wake you if anything happens" Kai smiled and leaned over his seat to place a sweet and tender kiss to his newly wedded husbands lips. Getting a small hum and kiss back from the older.

"My portal charger is in my bag if you need it" soobin mumbled softly agaisnt his lips, pulling away to smile at the younger with pure joy.

Kai gently sat back down, "go sleep hyung~" he whined softly as he looked through the olders bag for the charger.

So with kais soft whines Soobin decided to close his eyes and try to flutter off to sleep. Listening to soft humming of the boy next to him as he drifted off.
- - -
|3 hours into the flight|

Soobin awoke suddenly as turbulence rushed over the plane. Looking out the window with concern, the clouds around them look dark and scary. 'Are we flying through a storm? This cant be safe' he thought, trying to shake off the tiredness that still lingered in his eyes and body.

Jumping when he felt a small tap on his shoulder, facing kai who also looked concerned. "Hyung that doesnt look very good. " he mumble quietly as he took his headphones off and put his switch away.

Soobin gulped and looked back out the window before looking back at Kai. "No it doesn't. Um,," he tapped his arm as he tried to think of a way to calm Kai before he started to panic or anything. Both jumping as more turbulance occurred, shaking the plane almost violently.

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