~I Made A Friend~

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Theme - Imaginary Friends

Timeline- Modern Day

A young boy named Choi Soobin was one of the loneliest little boys in his neighborhood. He didn't have friends, nor did really try to have them. He wasn't one to go outside and socialize with the other 9 year olds who would play ball and laugh together. His parents were always concerned by his anti-social nature, avoiding his peers and simply staying up in his room playing with legos by his lonesome. Soobin however seen nothing wrong with not playing with the other kids, he was happy to simply play by himself.

"Soobin-ah don't you want to go play with the other kids?" His mothers voice was soft with a worrying care to it as he stood at the door of his room. Soobin glanced up at his mom and laughed softly as he shook his head in an obvious no. "I'm okay mommy." Soobins voice was small and childish, so pure and full of innocence that had yet to be broken by this cruel world. A humming sigh echoed from the older woman's throat, a small pout on her lips as she moved away from the door frame, "Lunch will be ready soon." the soft reminder making the young boy bounce with joy as his tummy growled lowly at the mention of food. Soobin listened as she walked steadily down the hall away from his room, looking around before jumping up and closing his door. "NingNing?" The soft whispering boy hummed as he looked around his room quietly. The silence growing oddly eerie as Soobin looked around, checking under things and in things.

With a swift motion Soobin was knocked onto his fluffy bunny bed sheets, a loud "Boo!" Ringing through the quiet room. Soobin laughed as he looked at the other boy who seemed almost ghost like compared to himself. "NingNing! You scared me!" He giggled and gently shoved the boy off him as he sat up, happily kicking his feet over the edge of his bed. Huening Kai laughed and bounced around in circles, "Lets play before Lunch!" He covered his smiling face as he dizzily wobbled around before falling on the floor with a soft thud. Soobin shook his head at the silly boy as he joined him on the floor, laying on his stomach as he poked at the boys puffy cheeks. "Do you think mommy will see you today?" Soobins words were so gentle and quiet, almost sounding worried by the thought of her not seeing him like how he can. "I hope so, I'm your best friend." The pouty boy kicked his legs in a small tantrum. No matter the amount of pouting or whining the two did they ended up laughing and playing with the little blocks. Soon being called down to Lunch. "Soobin! Lunch time" His mother hummed loudly to the young boy, hearing him stump down the stairs loudly.

~Years Later~

Soobin was now a teenager, studying for his last year of school. He sighed deeply as he laid back on his bed with his laptop in his lap. "I'm never gonna get this." the words sound so pained as he whimpered. The bed dipped beside him, making Soobin glance over to the side. "Is school really that bad Hyung?" Huening Kai whispered as he glanced down at his face. The older glanced away with a shaky exhale, "It's just hard sometimes NingNing." He whispered before sitting back up with his inhale. Kai frowns and pats Soobins back slowly, "We never play anymore.." Kai mentioned quietly, getting the same huff as usual. "I'm busy Huening Kai, I have to study, I don't have time to play Games." Soobin huffed gently as he got up. Kai followed and whines, "It's not fair, you never spend time with me anymore!" He shouted at him, distraught by being ignored for what felt like years. Soobin rubs his temples and angrily hummed, ignoring him. "Do not ignore me Choi Soobin! What happened to me being your best friend!" Kais anger took over as he grabbed a hold of Soobins shoulder and turned him to look at him. His eyes fuming with rage as he finally was acting out against what was once his best friend.

Soobin looked at Kai and huffed loudly, glancing away from him. "I Don't NEED you anymore, We are NOT friends. You are nothing to me!" Soobin huffs angrily as he snarled at him. "I DON'T NEED YOU!" He shouted at Kai's face, watching as he held his own ground despite the obvious hurt in his eyes. With such words Soobin grabbed his shoes and laptop and left the house to cool down at the local park. His anger filtering away as he walked to the park in the early evening, shakily exhaling as he slowly realized what he had said to his one and only friend. Shaking his head in denial as he continued to walk away from the house, needing time to cool down away from him.

Arriving at the park and looking around at all the pretty flowers and beautiful leafs that fluttered to the grassy floor. Taking in the fresh air of the parks wonderful plants, calming his tense nerves. Soon finding a nice bench to sit at, slowly continuing his studying for his exams that were soon. The evening air was very nice and chilly, making chills run down his spine, taking the breath out of his lungs with gentle gasp. He cooed at the warmth his body tried to provide for his cold fingertips.

Spending a few hours at the park was really nice for Soobin, almost forgetting about the fight he had with Kai. He hums softly as he walked back home, humming a gentle tune to himself on the walk. Arriving at the front door after a few minutes, opening the door and walking into the almost silent house. Soobin walked past the living room, seeing his parents fast asleep with the tv on, smiling softly as he made his way towards his room. "NingNing?" He whispered as he creaked the door open to his own room. Upon entering he realized it was empty, quickly searching for his friend with worry. Something catching his attention out of the corner of his eye, a piece of paper on his bed. Slowly he walked towards the note and picked it up, unfolding it carefully to read the words.

"You don't need me anymore Soobin Hyung. You are not the young boy you once were a long time ago. You are almost an adult, holding onto your childhood imagination for to long. Its about time we go separate ways, I am not needed to you anymore and I understand that now. I wish you luck in life my dearest Soobinnie. I am more real than you could imagine, but now my time is limited here for I am no longer stable. So take my parting words to heart, Find someone who can fulfill that space in your chest that holds loves.

Yours truly,

HueningKai <3"

Soobin read these words slowly, processing them. Soft tears dripping onto the page as he cried quietly to himself. Glancing back at the bed to find a Lego character laying on the sheets, it looked just like Kai. With shaky hands he grabbed the character and held it close, being the only thing left of him now. His one and only friend, the only person he could talk to and the only one who understood, gone from his life in a blink of an eye.

That month he got a promise ring, carving HueningKai in the back of it so he always had him with him no matter where he went. His only friend, and his first love, HueningKai meant a lot to Soobin, even if only a figment of his own sad imagination.


I hope you guys like this one, its kinda sad. Sorry its been a few days since the last update, I'd get like a quarter through a story and loose it or not like the plot or something. Also thank you for 1.5k Reads like holy crap that's a lot. Thank you soo much! <3

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