~Crown~ Pt.2

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Theme - Royal love

Timeline -Medieval

It had been months since the last time Kai seen Soobin, maybe even close to a year. All he knew was that he was tired of waking up covered in sweat as his dreams taunted him about the older. Everyday felt like pain as his parents talked about his arranged marriage with a woman he had no interest in. Hardly eating these days, his mind stuck on the tall handsome prince. "Kai, no elbows on the table."His mother hummed as she snapped his fingers to get his attention. Kai looked at her before straightening up. He picked at his food before standing gently, "I think I'm down with dinner." He gently announced to his parents as he neatly put his napkin on the table along with any silverware. Kai didn't wait for an okay from his parents, simply walking out of the dining hall in an orderly fashion. With gentle foot steps he retreated to his room. Kai held his head in his hands as he laid back on the bed, he needed to see Soobin again, needed to talk to him about all the horrible marriage arrangements his parents have been on and on about. A harsh sigh leaving his lips as he sat up again, glancing around the darkish room. He stood on wobbly legs and went to his candle lit desk, taking a seat at it. Carefully taking out a piece of paper and his quil. He wrote with gentle strokes on each letter, writing to Soobin in hopes to get one back. Explaining his situation and how he's had difficulty sleeping with the memories of his last visit on his conscious mind. Filling out multiple letters and rolling them up neatly after he left them dry.

In the dead of night he made his way through the castle, being quiet as he approached one of the servants. "Hey, I need a favor from you." Kai said softly as he ran up to the servant who seemed shocked that the young prince was talking to him. "Y-Yes, anything sir." the servant boy stuttered nervously. "You know where King Chois castle is?" Kai quickly questioned, looking around to make sure no one was listening in as the boy nodded eagerly. "Take this to the Kings son, no one else but him. Tell him its from Prince Kai. I'll pay you some big wealth for this. Please." Kai begged, the servant boy seemed hesitant. Quickly searching his pockets for a very worthy piece of silver, something that could pay for most anything. "Just for agreeing I'll give you this silver coin, Once you are back I'll pay you more."Kai tried to convince the boy, desperate to get his letter there. With the mention of extra payment the boy took the scrolls and nodded, Kai paid him the coin and told him to hurry to King Chois castle. Kai smiled brightly as he watched the boy run from the castle walls as he got himself a horse to make his journey shorter. Without realizing it, Kai released a breath he'd been holding. Praying the letters make it okay.

Within a weeks time the boy returned, looking exhausted as he rode on the horse back. Kai smiled softly and grabbed the boys promised payment. Making his way to the boy, "Did you give them to Prince Soobin?" Kai questioned, the younger boy nodding as he got down from the horse. "Thank you."Kai whispered to the other, smiling gently as he put the payment in the youngers hand, most likely more than this boy has ever seen before. With the look of the money in his hand the boy perked up and nodded as he happily ran off. It eased his mind to know that Soobin received his letters.

Receive them he did indeed. The sight of the letters shocked Soobin, slowly reading every word on the page, falling deeper for his needy prince as he read his beautifully written calligraphy. He was quick to hide the notes and got to work on his replying letters. Taking care to mention his arrival soon after the letters were to reach him, having this same want to see the prince again. Mentioning the idea of maybe arranging their own marriage, even though they both know how much shame that would put on them and their family names. Yet Soobin was willing to take this risk, to take his prince's hand in marriage seemed so worth it. Talking about maybe running away from their lives as prince's, but even his own words seemed silly. They would be hung if they were caught together, let alone if they got married. Writing to his prince about how maybe instead they should keep their love secret, even if one or the other marrys, keep them as a secret love life. Smiling softly as he finished his letters off with a small 'I miss you my prince.' Before setting his quil down. Soobin leaned back and sighs, smiling at the thought of living his life with Kai, about him forever being his prince. Those thoughts seemed so nice, so perfect as he felt the tiredness take over him. Before sleeping however, Soobin rolled up the papers and tied them tightly. Resting his eyes as he laid on the bed beneath him. Easing into a gentle sleep in the late hours, only to wake a few hours later and setting his letters out on the long journey to the others castle. He knew it would take at least a few days to reach the others place. So he planned to leave in two days or so to make his way to him as well.

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