'til Forever Falls Apart

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Authors note: Part two to my We've Been Living on a Fault Line series. Part three to follow soon. For once, I adore what I have written and I would love peoples honest opinion.
Synopsis: Following Y/N and Emily's engagement, the team head to Colorado on a case.


The team had already spent five days in Colorado. Five women, all of whom resembled Y/N, had been abducted and killed. Before the team boarded the plane and flew out of Quantico, Emily tried to persuade Y/N to stay behind and work with Penelope.

"They look exactly like you," Emily reasoned, "If something happened to you I would never forgive myself."

Y/N didn't want to admit she was apprehensive about going on the case, the similarities she shared with the victims, she saw them too, as did the rest of the team, but there was no way she could stand by and do nothing. The unsub had already murdered five women, and as she stood talking to Emily there was another woman, Sarah Bloom, that was missing.

"I'll be fine, Em, I promise."

Even though Y/N had completed the same training as Emily to graduate from the academy, she noticed that her fiancée had been more cautious than usual when it came to being in the field during the case. Emily had constantly been volunteering to speak to suspects or be the first in the door when they needed to sweep the building; anything to keep Y/N out of the line of fire.

Y/N knew that being protective was in Emily's nature; she had been like this since they'd met, but never to this extent, and it had started to irritate the younger agent. She despised the fact that Emily had suddenly lost faith in her ability to do her job, so when Penelope called with a name, Y/N forwarded the details to Hotch, who gave her the go-ahead before she grabbed JJ and so they could check out the address.

"Hey," JJ said, "You okay?"

"Huh," Y/N looked at JJ quickly and then back to the road, her knuckles turning white at the question. "Oh, yeah, I'm good."

"Don't let Emily get to you," the blonde said.

"I know, but I have the same training she does. I know how to do my job," Y/N huffed. "Actually, you know what? Instead of talking about my asshole of a fiancée, let's focus on finding this son of a bitch."

Y/N and JJ arrived at the downtown motel five minutes later. As Y/N parked the SUV outside the front door, both agents commented on how run-down it was. They had seen places like this before, they were usually used by junkies and dealers because of how remote they were. The man sitting at the front desk didn't seem all with it, most likely high on something, so when the agents passed the threshold, they held up their ID badges.

"Supervisory Special Agent Y/L/N and Jareau with the FBI," Y/N said as they walked up to the desk.

"I run a respectable operation–" the man started to defended.

"We just need to talk someone staying here, Samuel Ashcroft."

The man swivelled in his chair without hesitation and clicked away at his computer which looked like it was from the early 2000s. "Room 204," he said, "Have the master key, I don't need y'all kickin' in my doors."

JJ took the key, and the two of them walked down the parking lot and up a flight of stairs, turning left at the top to find the room. As JJ knocked on the door, she looked over at Y/N. It was a routine question and answer visit, but both women knew how things quickly could go sideways.

"Mr Ashcroft, we're from the FBI, we have a few questions we need to ask you."


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