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Synopsis: Someone from Y/N's past comes back and she doesn't know how to handle it. When Emily comes home, she finds her girlfriend blind drunk.
T/W: abuse, suicidal thoughts, alcohol abuse.


There were times in her life where Y/N didn't think she'd see past eighteen or twenty-two. More than once, she had felt that her life being over was the best option, but somehow, with all the odds stacked against her, Y/N had made it; she was proud. It had been a hard road, Y/N didn't doubt that, and she would always insist that she would take the hard roads over again to end up where she was. Going from having very little in life to having a life that she would never change meant everything to her.

Y/N's felt her life had truly begun when she joined the FBI. She had blazed through her training and graduated at the top of her class, and then she had been hand-picked by Aaron Hotchner to join the Behavioural Analysis Unit eighteen months later. There hadn't been many instances in Y/N's life where she had been chosen for something, so even though she accepted the position with no hesitation, she was wary.

The BAU environment was different from the one in the counter-terrorism unit, and although the team-based work was similar, there was something different about the team she had been placed with. It wasn't unit she was on her fifth out-of-state case in Florida that Y/N realised what it was; the unit treated each other like family.

Family, more so own her family, had always been a touchy subject for Y/N. Growing up, she had parents who paid more attention to each other and their friends than they did their child, so Y/N had learned early on not to depend on or trust anyone but herself.

The team, however, had been respectful of Y/N's boundaries. They had given her leeway to find her footing in the unit, including her in after-work drinks or team meals at Rossi's; even when she declined, there was always an extended offer to turn up whenever she wanted to. The more Y/N spent with the team on cases, the more she got to know every member individually. That's when she started to realise that maybe it wasn't so bad to have some trustworthy people in her corner; that's how she found herself falling for one Emily Prentiss.

At first, Emily had been a way to distract Y/N from the horrors of their line of work. She'd go round to Emily's for a drink, to vent about the unsub or the case and more often than not, they would end up in bed together. No one on the team knew about it; there weren't feelings involved because that's how both women had wanted it; it was easier that way.

It wasn't until someone on the team mentioned something to Y/N that she realised that maybe the crush she had on the older agent was more than just a crush. Somehow, out of all the profilers on the team that had extensive experience in reading human behaviour, Penelope was the one to notice the lingering looks and shy smiles Y/N threw towards Emily.

"You like her," the blonde hushed excitedly.

Y/N looked up at Penelope, her cheeks instantly reddening. "Pen," she pleaded, lifting the brown manila folder to cover her face, "Don't tell anyone, it's just a crush, I'll get over it."

Penelope looked over the room at Emily, who was in an intense conversation with Reid. The older agent felt the stare and looked over the room, smiling at the two women quickly before carrying on her conversation. Penelope watched Y/N's features soften, and a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"You got it bad, sugarplum," Penelope laughed.

Y/N dropped her head onto the wooden desk with a loud thump, wishing that the room would swallow her whole so she could forget this entire conversation. "Don't," she pleaded once again, "Just don't."

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