Late Nights

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Synopsis: Emily stays late at the office, and you go home to your family alone.


Y/N looked up as she closed her last file, Emily's office door was open just a crack, and she could see her wife's furrowed brow. Knowing it was the last of her paperwork, Y/N quickly tidied her desk, putting everything back in its rightful place, pushing her chair under the desk before heading up to the Unit Chiefs office.

"Hi," Y/N said, knocking on the door softly.

Emily looked up, the harsh lines from in between her eyes disappearing at the sight of her wife and a soft smile appearing instead.

"Everything okay?" Y/N asked; she closed the door behind her and sat on the desk at the side of Emily. "Can I do anything?"

Emily shook her head with a heavy sigh, her hand resting on Y/N's thigh. "There's just so much paperwork. I have no idea when I'm gonna be done."

Y/N looked down at the pile on Emily's desk; there were three piles, all with at least twelve files each. As she moved to grab a stack, Emily caught her hand and pulled it back.

"You're sweet, but no."

"Come on." Y/N made another move to grab a pile, but Emily stopped her once again. "It'll make your life easier and maybe I can actually spend a night with my wife for once."

Emily knew Y/N was right. Five days ago, they had just gotten off a week-long case in California, and every night since, she had been at the office until after eleven. But Emily also knew that the piles on her desk would get bigger if she didn't attack a little of it each night.

"Go home," Emily said, looking up at her wife. "I promise, I won't stay super late. An hour or two at most."

Y/N's hand rested on Emily's cheek, her thumb brushing against the prominent cheekbone. After a brief moment of silence, Y/N leaned down, pressing her lips against Emily's in a soft kiss.

"I love you," Y/N said as she pulled back.

Emily smiled, "I love you too."

Emily watched Y/N walk out of the office to her desk, grabbing her go-bag before moving towards the elevator. When she was sure that Y/N was in the elevator, she sat back in her chair, closing her eyes with a heavy sigh. After a few minutes, Emily sat up straight and opened up her laptop.


It took Y/N a little over thirty minutes to get through the downtown traffic and get back to the home she shared with Emily. As she pulled into the driveway, she saw the second car parked where Emily's usually was. After grabbing her go-bag from the passenger seat and her phone from the cup holder, she headed inside.

Before Y/N had a chance to close the door and take her shoes off, she had two tiny bodies engulfing her in hugs.

"Mommy!" they shouted.

Y/N dropped her bag behind her before kneeling her hug the twins, Harper and Kai. They had both still been asleep when she had left for work with Emily earlier that day, so she had missed them more than usual.

"I missed you," Y/N said; she planted a kiss on each of the twin's cheeks which had them squealing. "Where's Ronnie?" she asked.

The twins turned around, running towards the kitchen. After putting her keys on the side and kicking off her shoes, Y/N followed them. She found them standing next to the nanny, who was pulling a homemade pizza from the oven.

"Perfect timing," Ronnie chirped. The young girl looked around for the other agent. "No Emily?"

Y/N shook her head and smiled slightly. "Paperwork," she said simply.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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