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Synopsis: Emily comes home late, so Y/N surprises her.


Dating an FBI agent was hard for anyone, but it got a little more complicated when they worked as a profiler in the elite Behavioural Analysis Unit. It was a well-known fact that the unit jumped on their jet, travelling all across the US to solve serial crimes and that left their loved ones behind with nothing to do but worry for their safety.

When Y/N first met Emily, the agent had taken her by surprise. The two of them had hit it off inside a coffee shop, and after swapping phone numbers, Y/N had asked Emily out on a date that evening. Despite Emily accepting the invitation, she warned Y/N about her job and how she could be gone at a moments notice.

At first, Y/N struggled to understand the dedication Emily had to her job, to the people within her unit, and it wasn't until they had been dating for just over two months that she understood why they were all so close.

Emily had given you keys to her apartment to keep an eye on Sergio, and that night she had come straight from the airstrip home. She'd been away for ten days on a case, the longest since they had been together. Usually, Emily came home with a smile on her face, and the case pushed to the back of her mind, but this time, she'd stormed through the apartment and slammed her bedroom door behind her.

That night, Y/N held Emily as she told her the details about the case, how she wasn't able to save the last child that had been abducted and that she felt like it was her fault. Y/N secretly vowed that she would always be a shoulder for Emily to cry on when it came to the complex cases for as long as they were together.

Now, Y/N and Emily were a year into dating. Y/N had become used to Emily being gone, and although the nights alone were sometimes lonely, it made all the moments she had with her girlfriend special because she knew how scarce they were.

Emily had been late getting in, and when she finally arrived home, Y/N was already half-asleep in bed, waiting for her girlfriend. The agent had tried to be quiet as she walked into the room, so she didn't wake her, but she tripped over her own feet, landing with a thump on the floor.

"Fuck!" Y/N said as she woke with a start. Looking around the room for the cause of the noise, she couldn't help but laugh when she saw Emily on the floor cursing to herself. "You good down there?"

"Go back to sleep, baby," Emily hushed.

Sitting up, Y/N pulled the sheets over her knees and shoulders to keep herself warm. "Not until you get in here and cuddle me back to sleep."

Emily smiled as she made quick work of stripping down to her underwear and re-dressing in her oversized Yale t-shirt, the one that Y/N wore more than she did, and she climbed into bed.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Emily whispered.

Turning on her side, Y/N pulled Emily close and rested her head on the older woman's shoulder. "I don't care. You're home, that's all that matters." Reaching up, she pushed Emily's bangs from her face, tucking them behind her eat as she leaned in, pressing her lips to her girlfriends. "I missed you."

Rolling over, Y/N revelled in the closeness when Emily held her close; she couldn't help but feel safe and warm. Emily always had a habit of doing that, Y/N didn't know if that's who Emily was as a person, but any time Emily made her feel that way, all she could think about was spending the rest of her life with the agent.

The following day, Y/N woke up at six AM with Emily's arms still draped over her and sleeping soundly. She had no idea if Emily had work later on in the day, so she carefully slipped out of bed and shut the bedroom door behind her. There weren't many mornings where Emily got to sleep in, and Y/N didn't want to be the one to wake her when she didn't need to be.

Making her way into the kitchen, Y/N decided that she would make Emily breakfast; most mornings they spent together, all they had time for was a quick coffee and a piece of toast if they were lucky. After starting the coffee machine, she began to make the matter for banana chocolate chip pancakes. She had never been the best cook, most of the time, Emily took her out for dinner, or they ordered takeout, but Y/N refused to believe that anyone could screw up pancakes.

Despite following the recipe precisely, Y/N was still surprised when the pancakes came out halfway decent. When the stack of pancakes was almost done, she heard the click of the bedroom door and bare feet against the wooden floors; Emily was awake.


"No, no, no," Y/N said quickly to herself. Abandoning the cooking pancake, she turned on her heels before Emily could enter the kitchen, pushing the older woman against the wall, her face in her hands as she kissed Emily deeply.

Emily's hands found their way under Y/N's shirt, nails digging into the bare skin as she pulled Y/N flush against her. "This is an exceptional way to be greeted in the morning," she said with a smirk.

"You need to go back, you're not supposed to be awake."

Emily turned her head, trying to look into the kitchen to see what was going on, but the younger woman pushed her back towards the bedroom. "Okay, okay," she laughed, holding her hands up in defeat. "Go finish cooking my pancakes."

With a scowl, Y/N punched Emily on the arm. "You're not supposed to know what I'm doing."

When Emily was safely back in her bedroom, Y/N turned back to the kitchen, but by the time she got back, the last pancake was almost burnt to a crisp. When an eye-roll, she tossed the pancake into the bin and told herself that Emily now deserved one less pancake. After topping the pancakes with whipped cream and putting the two coffees on the tray, Y/N walked back towards the bedroom.

"Good morning," she chirped as she kicked the door open.

"What a wonderful surprise," Emily said with a smirk, "I never saw this coming at all."

"You don't need to be an arsehole about it," Y/N said as she passed the tray over to Emily so she could climb back into bed. "You could just pretend that I'm a nice person who woke up early to make breakfast for her really, really annoying girlfriend."

"There's an annoying girlfriend I don't know about? I'm a badass girlfriend that kicks ass for a living."

Y/N fake laughed as she punched Emily again, "Funny joke, Prentiss."

Emily handed over one of the plates, and they both sat in silence as they devoured the pancakes and coffee. Fifteen minutes later, when they had finished, Y/N curled herself back into Emily. Her stomach was almost as full as her heart, and while she wasn't on the receiving end of the breakfast, Emily made Y/N feel special in other ways.

"Thank you, baby," Emily said, "I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you in my life."

Tilting her head up to look up at Emily, Y/N smiled. She'd known the moment she laid eyes on Emily for the first time that she was going to be someone special in her life; the only thing was that she hadn't counted on the fact that Emily would end up being the love of her life.

"I love you, you know that right?"

Furrowing her brows, Emily kissed Y/N's nose. "That, my dear, is the only thing I'm sure of in this life."


If you have any requests for reader x Emily one-shots, please send me a DM and I'll try my best to make it a semi-reality.

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