Family Dinner

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Synopsis: Y/N and Emily have been dating a little over a year, but you haven't yet met the team.


Emily stretched out, reaching to cuddle with the other person in her bed, but her arms fell on cold sheets. Sitting up in the bed, Emily rubbed her eyes and noticed the bedroom door open and the soft music that floated through the apartment. The agent had wanted a lazy morning in bed, she had been on a case in Texas for the past week and didn't get in until late, but it seemed like her girlfriend had other ideas.

Walking down the hall, Emily tried to be as quiet as she could, and when she got to the kitchen, she saw Y/N; the woman was singing to herself softly, her hips moving to the beat of the pop song that played quietly on the radio. Without a sound, Emily crossed the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist, laughing when the woman yelped in fright.

"Baby," Y/N said, laughing.

Emily pressed a kiss into the crook of Y/N's neck. "Good morning, gorgeous."

Y/N dropped the knife in her hand and turned around with a smile, wrapping her arms around the older agent's neck as she pressed a kiss to her lips. For a moment, the women stood there, their lips moving against each other, catching up on the week's loss of closeness.

"I missed you," Y/N said.

"I missed you too." Emily pecked her girlfriend on the lips, moving the woman to the side. "Sit your pretty arse down and let me finish making breakfast."

Y/N hauled herself onto the counter, giving Emily a salute. "Yes ma'am."

The younger woman watched as Emily continued cutting the fruit for her breakfast bowl; if she was honest, she was almost done, but she wasn't about to tell Emily that. Nevertheless, she enjoyed watching Emily; just being in her presence gave Y/N a sense of peace.

Stretching out her leg, Y/N used her foot to nudge Emily at the hip. "How was the case?"

Emily shrugged her shoulders as she dropped the cut bananas in the yoghurt, "Same old, one less scumbag roaming around." Grabbing two spoons out the draw, Emily turned to hand one to Y/N, "How was work for you?"

Y/N scooped a spoonful of yoghurt, fruit, and granola, eating it with a smile. "We had a six-person MVC on Tuesday, but apart from that it's been the usual."

Emily knew there could be nothing usual about working in the ER, but she took whatever answers she could get. While her girlfriend might not work on serial killer cases in the BAU, the agent knew she saw her own version of horrifying things every day.

Setting the bowl down, Emily took the spoon from Y/N and settled herself between the woman's legs. Like Emily had wanted, Y/N wrapped her legs around Emily's waist. With the younger woman pressed almost flush against her own body, Emily moved her long hair to the side and started to kiss up her jaw, smiling when Y/N moaned. Taking that as a sign, Emily moved to Y/N's neck, sucking gently just under her ear and leaving a faint mark before moving lower.

"Oh, Em," Y/N moaned, stretching her neck to the side to give Emily more access.

Emily continued kissing down her girlfriend's neck while her deft fingers worked on unbuttoning her shirt. With the shirt unbuttoned, Emily kissed down Y/N's sternum, smiling at the sounds she was eliciting. Deciding that Y/N's bra was in her way, Emily reached around, unclipping the offending object before the younger woman could protest. When it slacked, Emily pulled down the right cup, starting her assault on Y/N's rosy nipple.

"Baby, I– I can't," Y/N moaned. When Emily didn't hear her, Y/N pushed Emily back, almost laughing when she saw the pout on the woman's face. "I love you," she said, reaching behind her back to clip her bra back in place, "But I have to leave for work."

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