Chapter 1

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     Waking up to hear birds chirping, the soft sound of raindrops falling, hearing the light pitter-patter as it hits a surface.

     Athena loves the rain, loves waking up to the aftermath of a rainstorm – it's calming to her. It was a cold morning; she could tell when summer was leaving, and winter's coming. Wrapping herself more into her blanket, wanting to get a couple more hours of sleep.

     Athena wakes back up to her cat stretching – trying to get her attention that it was time to get up. She looked at the clock, 8:30am.

     Sighing she gets up, throwing on some leggings and a sweater. She heads over to the kitchen, getting all the animal's food ready before starting her morning coffee. She drank her coffee looking outside seeing the view; trees all around her, a large lake with a big mountain in the distance, and wild animals running around.

     It was perfect.

     Athena noticed an owl perched up on a tree, looking at it closely as it had a letter attached to it. She walked outside – shivering from the cold, her cat following her. Some of the horses looked up to see who was there, before going back to what they were doing. She walked up to the owl, grabbing onto the letter, and giving the owl a treat. She walked back towards her home, the letter had a familiar wax stamp on it, she sighed – she knew who it was from.

     Debating on opening it or not, she decides to open it.

     Dear A.L.

     I know you have told us before, but we need your help! One of our own was captured, she was taken two days ago. Luna Lovegood, she was your housemate.

     Please! We're desperate!

     If you agree to help, come to the well, you know where it is.

     Let us know ASAP if you can help us.


     Sitting at her kitchen table, her cat in front of her. She put the letter down in shock, Luna was always nice to her, they would occasionally talk, and she would spend time with her at lunches and dinners.

     I don't know... I don't know... I don't know...

     It's dangerous...

     But Luna has always been good to me...

     Athena sat there debating if she should go or not. She didn't want to go in case the Order members tried to get her to stay, but she felt like she needed to go, even if her and Luna weren't close – she still cares about the girl.


     Athena decided to make a deal with them.

     Getting up to get parchment paper and ink, she started her letter. The owl from earlier flew down to her window, waiting for her to finish so he could take it back.

     Dear the O.O.P.

     I will help you, but one condition. Don't contact me, I am done fighting. I don't expect you all to understand.

     But I need you to understand my decision, and kindly accept it.

     I will start my travels right now.


     Tying the letter to the owl, she started getting the things she needed. Putting on her clothes, getting her bag and putting in the essentials she may need; her wand, healing kits, food and extra clothes.

    Getting out food for her animals – putting out food that would last a week should be good.

    Grabbing her cloak, she walked out the door, walking towards the horses. Her own horse was somewhere in the crowd of wild horses, they parted as she walked through – one big black and white horse came right up to her, her horse stood big and tall in front of her, ready for their adventure. "Hello darling" she whispered to him softly, giving him a carrot.

     She hopped onto his back. Getting the rope that was attached to him, making sure she has everything she needs, getting comfy before heading off in the direction to meet The Order.

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