Chapter 8: Loyalty

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Meanwhile, Arch Mage Berith arrived at the barracks, west of Fort Codex. There he saw guards wounded and houses damaged. He then saw the dragon attacking the guards. He then teleported at the back of the dragon and casted a fireball towards it. The dragon felt the attack and saw Berith. The dragon was furious and charged itself at Berith. Berith then directed his staff towards the dragon and casted a powerful black thunder towards the dragon. The dragon fell and roared out of pain.

Berith slowly walked towards the dragon as he continues casting his magic. As he saw the dragon incapable of fighting back, he stopped and then casted a white beam of light towards the dragon. The dragon suddenly turned into stone. Berith then walked near the dragon and inspected it to ensure it’s defeat. He then saw some of the guards approaching him. One of them bowed.

” Your Eminence, your power is truly amazing”.” I have no time for such praises, lieutenant, how severe are the damages?”.” The dragon destroyed two of our guard towers and destroyed the main hall, it got most of our men, we are treating them with the help of the healers as we speak”.” Very well, go and look for any more wounded and bring them to the healers”. The lieutenant and the other guards bowed and left.

Berith then looked around to assess the situation. He then heard a voice. “ Impressive as always brother”. Berith then looked around trying to find the one who muttered those words. A figure then appeared before him.
“ Long time no see brother”. It was Cypher.

” The dragon…… so it was a diversion, let me guess the prince has left isn’t he?”.           ” Well yes he did, he shall have his revenge against all those who took advantage to his father’s fall, to my emperor's fall”.” The fall that he brought to himself, I still can’t believe you are supporting his son, brother”. Cypher laughed. “ Oh playing virtuous and mighty are you, well look who’s talking, as far as I remember you also took the opportunity to get my position did you brother?”.

Berith glared at his brother. Cypher smirked. “ Oh did I brought some bad memories, well let us review the past shall we. You were so  jealous of me since I was titled as the  Grand Arch Mage, but what did your treachery brought you, you didn’t become the Grand Arch Mage and it was granted to Gremori instead.”.

Berith lost his temper and casted a powerful blast of fire towards Cypher, but Cypher simply took the attack by using his staff and absorbed it. Cypher sighed.” You’ve grown powerful brother, but still far behind me”.

” Shut up!, I’ve always hated you, you’ve always been everyone’s favorite, our parents, in the academy, in all of Magister. While me, a shadow beneath your success, yes I took the opportunity during the coup, I’ve may have not been the Grand Arch Mage but I’m still glad that I made you fell from your place, your nothing now than a pathetic warlock”. Berith laughed as he ridicule his brother.

Cypher took no care of what Berith said and sighed.” I no longer recognized you brother”  Berith was susprised.” I’m sorry if that's what you have felt, but I guess what is done is done, you’ve chose to follow Megiddo, I chose to follow my emperor”. Cypher slowly walked away from Berith.” What are your plans?”. Cypher looked back.

” Tell your emperor, the true heir of Magister shall reclaim the throne, and no one can stop him, not even Pius himself”. Cypher then teleported away. Berith regained his composure and muttered.” We shall see,brother, we shall see”. He then teleported back to Fort Codex.

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