Shadow Arc: Season 1 Chapter 24

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The screen opens to Jaune and Amber's dorm room.

Amber is listening to music while reading a book.

Jaune is writing a paper on his Lapscroll for one of his classes.

"Semblances. The manifestation of one's innate and personal power, as well as a representation of an aspect of that person." 

Many nodded with that description.

The screen changes to show the forests of Vale.

The screen zooms to show a White Fang encampment destroyed. All over the camp are dead White Fang members.

Many were suprised at what they were seeing.

Blake and Kali put their hands over their mouths in shock.

Ghira looked in disbelief and sadness, shedding a few tears at the scene.

Sienna was angry at her comrades being killed.

Adam felt anger at the sight as well.

Those in the White Fang shivered at the scene.

The screen changes to show more dead bodies. Among them are Ilia Amitola and Bane.

Blake cried, even more, seeing her friend like this.

Ilia and Bane tensed up. 

Ilia was afraid because this is the first time she saw herself died in the viewing. 

Even after dying in When Light Joins the Dark Part 10, Bane still wasn't used to seeing himself die.

Adam became angrier, especially seeing his most trusted and loyal lieutenant dead again.

"No! Not again! Whoever did this, they will pay!" Adam thought.

Adam is shown fighting off against the attackers, who are masked assailants, donning black cloaks. On the back of their cloaks is Salem's emblem.

Most of the audience was suprised at the sight.

Salem grumbled at her forces being revealed.

Adam and the White Fang glared at Salem, but she was unfazed.

"Give up Taurus. It's over for you and the White Fang," One hooded figure said.

Adam is tired and running low on the aura, but he does not give up. He stands his ground, hoping to give some time to other White Fang members to escape.

Many smiled at his actions.

Most of the White Fang was cheering for their leader.

He clashes once more with the cloaked assailants, giving them a good run for their money. He even manages to shatter the aura of the four of them, as well as deliver fatal slashes with his chokutō.

Adam smiled at the sight.

"Popular belief states that semblances are unique to the individual."

 Adam faces the leader and the rest of his group. He sheathes his chokutō and takes an Iiado stance. 

After absorbing the energy from his previous fights, he unleashes his semblance: Moon Slice, sending a devastating energy slash at the leader and his group.

"However, that is not completely accurate."

Just as the attack reaches the leader instead of destroying him, he absorbs it.

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