Shadow Arc: Season 1 Chapter 12

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"Now, this is another viewing where Jaune writes a paper," Jack said.

"Another one?" Yang asked, not in the mood for another paper.

"Yeah! Where's the action?!" Nora shouted.

"I think you'll enjoy this one," Jack said.

"Why?" Ozpin asked.

"You all get to know what a reawakened is," Jack said.

Most went wide-eyed hearing this.

Many remember Jaune's interrogation and had questions.

Most started to look forward to the viewing, wanting to know about reawakened.

Those who were uninterested, particularly Yang and Nora, now looked forward to the viewing.

Jack starts the viewing.

The screen opens to Jaune sitting at a table in the Beacon library. He is writing on his Lapscroll, which is placed on said table.

"Reawakening.  A rare phenomenon where one can awaken a new semblance."

Many did a spit-take at this news, unintentionally spraying the people in front of them.

The people in front had looks of disgust and anger on them.

Jack snapped his fingers removing the moisture from the drenched audience members, somewhat placating them.

"Gaining another semblance, but how?" Oobleck asked.

"There's a lot about aura that none of you know," Jack said.

"Wait. Two semblances. Does that mean Bun-Bun's a reawakened?" Coco asked.

"No, While some of you may receive a semblance from the viewings, you are not reawakened," Jack said.

"Is reawakening a possibility in our world?" Ozpin asked.

"Yes, it completely is," Jack said.

Most in the audience were excited at the news.

Most began pulling out their scrolls, intending to record everything, hoping to gain a new semblance.

"In every case, people who are reawakened had their auras unlocked prior."

"One day, they start glowing another aura color that was different from their first aura color. Next thing they know, they can use two semblances."

"Those who can see the color of a person's aura, tend to see a brand new color or multiple colors. This is one way of identifying a reawakened."

"Another way is looking through a person's past records and finding out they could use a certain semblance in the past, but now can use a different semblance now."

"Now, most people jump at the idea of being reawakened, but it's not as great as it sounds."

"Sometimes, a person gains a new semblance but may lose the one they had previously. That is noted when their aura color changes into a different color, with no sight of the previous aura color."

That unnerved most of the audience. They didn't like the possibility of parting with their semblance.

Some who had lackluster semblances didn't mind such a change.

"In the past, there have been cases of a reawakened being unable to use their previous semblance. Further analysis revealed that their original aura color before their reawakening was gone."

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