Chapter 1

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"Shall we get the bill?" her date smiled politely


The waiter brought the bill over to their table and they sat in an awkward silence for a moment before Y/N reached out to grab the bill.

"So do you wanna halve it?" she said giving him a small awkward smile.

The date had been nice, he'd been a total gentlemen, but now he sat looking at her as if he didn't know what to say.

"Er well I er-"

"Is everything okay?"

"Well you see I can't really afford this place so I was thinking you could pick this one up and maybe on our second date I can pay?" he nervously asked.

Y/N stared at him in shock for a moment. She wasn't one to expect the guy to pay but she certainly didn't expect to have to pick up the bill herself.

"Why did you bring me here then?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well I figured you could afford it, you know with the successful business and stuff. I bet this doesn't even make a dent in your bank"

Y/N scowled at him, before giving her card to the waiter, not saying a word to him. Once the bill was paid she got up, grabbed her coat and started to walk out the restaurant. Her date rushed after her.

"I'm sorry, I just figured this would be up your street"

"I enjoy a takeaway at home just as much as I enjoy a fancy restaurant. In fact I think I'd prefer that! You can't presume what a person likes just because of their success. I had a nice evening, it's a shame you had to ruin it"

She turned to leave and started walking home, pulling out her phone to find a text from her brother.

"Hey, call me when you're free. I've got the afternoon off x"

She smiled and dialled his number.

"Hey Tom it's me"

"Hey Y/N! How are you?"

"Well I've just been on another unsuccessful date with a guy who took me to a restaurant he couldn't afford to pay for, so I'd say I'm doing pretty well thanks" she laughed

"Oh man, you'll find someone Y/N. They're out there somewhere"

"Starting to think they're hiding under a rock Tom. I think I'm done with dating for a while. I feel a total mess. Totally unsure what I really want from life you know? I thought having this business would set me up for life, and it has but I'm now so unfulfilled. Maybe a man isn't really what I need you know?"

"You need to get out there Y/N. There's a whole world out there, so many more business ventures to take. You worked so hard for so long, you need to find a new passion, do something for you. You have the luxury of money not really being an object, so find something fun to do!"

"Yeah you're right, question is what... anyway how is filming?" she asked as she approached her block of flats.

"It's going so well. I can't believe I've had this opportunity to work with such incredible actors. Marvel is such an incredible franchise... and I get to be spiderman!"

"Oh Tom you deserve it! I'm so proud of you but god I miss you!"


"That's my name.."

"Come visit me"

Y/N sighed. Tom Holland was Y/N's younger brother. When he began to get famous, they agreed that whilst Y/N was building her business they would keep her out the spotlight. Y/N wanted to build her business by herself, so no one could ever say she was only successful because of her famous brother. Tom's fame only grew more and more, and the secret became bigger and bigger. They now hardly see each other in fear of being spotted out together. More recently it had built tension in their relationship, with Tom feeling his sister had made her point and that he should be able to spend time with her again. 

"Tom you know I can't"

"Why not Y/N? We were best friends when we were younger... and we've drifted so far apart! Come to the US, spend some time with me, it'll give you a chance to explore the world and take new business ventures. You've made your point Y/N. Your business is thriving and no one can tell you otherwise"

Y/N stayed silent for a moment. She was at the point in her life where she was totally lost. Dating wasn't working, she was getting in the way of her business, and she was truly unhappy. More importantly, she missed her brother and annoyingly she knew he was right. 

"Fine. I'll come visit. I'll get a flight next Friday, I just need to tie up a few loose ends and line up some meetings whilst I'm over there, okay?"

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