Chapter 6

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The next morning Y/N woke up and looked at her phone. It was 11am and she had several texts.

Tom - Morning sis, had to go filming today so left you in bed. Hope you're not feeling too hungover! X

Rachel - Hey just wondered if you had time to catch up? I've got a few questions in terms of Tom, but also a few meetings you may want to be involved in.

Scarlett - Hey girl, thanks for last night. Must do it again sometime! X

Unknown - Hey Y/N it's Sebastian, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being inappropriate last night. I got your number from Tom. I was wondering if you're free sometime to grab lunch? I've had a business idea which I think you may be interested in?

"Interesting" she thought to herself. She knew she needed to find something else she was passionate about to move herself away from the business, but she also knew Sebastian was a flirt. She texted Tom back and said she was fine and she'd see him later, then messaged Sebastian back to say she'd be interested in what he has to say and told Scarlett they should meet up again soon.

As she made her way downstairs she called Rachel and put her on speaker as she made some breakfast.

"Hey, Y/N! How're you?"

"Yeah I'm good thanks, how're things back home?"

"Yeah it's good, I've got a few business proposals which I know you're probably going to want to sit into, especially with the whole Tom thing, so wondered if you had a time you were available to video call in maybe?"

"I could just fly back, what sort of deals are they?" she asked as she chopped some fruit.

"No Y/N you need a break, we can do them over video call. I'll email you the details. Also we still going with no comment for you and Tom?"

"Okay I'll take a look later, and yes no comment, I'll speak to Tom tonight, we were going to announce it on social media but then we all went out last night" she said as she made herself some coffee.

After a short chat she hung up and grabbed her laptop from the kitchen side. She was still in her oversized t-shirt and had thrown her hair up. She sipped her coffee as she checked her emails.

"Trying to escape us already?"

Y/N's head shot up to find Chris stood the other side of the table, shirtless. Y/N stared for a moment, tracing his torso, his muscles were prominent, and he had a small snail trail from his belly button down towards his trousers... Y/N started blinking and bringing herself back to reality.

"Shit you scared me"

"We all stayed over last night, I was in the spare room and presumed everyone had left, didn't realise anyone was still home. Sorry I'll go grab a shirt and go" he said turning.

"You act as if I've never seen a shirtless man before" she giggled, blushing at the same time shocked at how confident she had sounded. "You can stay, it's fine, kettle just boiled" she smiled remembering what Scarlett said last night about getting to know him.

He turned back round and cocked an eyebrow laughing before wondering over and pouring himself a coffee.

"I thought you were supposed to be having a break from work?" he asked.

"My PA called and asked if I could do some meetings, then Sebastian has asked me to go to lunch to discuss business" she sighed.

"Oh you'll like Sebastian's idea I think. Tom said you were looking for change and he's had some ideas for the fitness industry for a while, he's just not sure how to put them into play. Then you come along with experience in business and the fitness industry, he's hit the jackpot really" Chris smiled, making Y/N blush.

"Yeah well as long as business doesn't involve drooling, imaging me naked or flirting then I'm fine with it" Y/N laughed.

"Yeah he's a flirt when he's drunk..."

They sat in silence for a moment, Y/N smiled at Chris before returning to her laptop, trying not to get distracted or show that inside her stomach was filled with butterflies. What was going on with her?

"How long are you here for?" Chris asked.

"Not sure, a week or two maybe? Although I know Tom wants me to stay for forever kind of longer"

"Well I'm sure you have to get back to your boyfriend or something" Chris said, trying to figure her out. Despite knowing Tom said she was single, he wanted to see her response.

"Oh no he'll be fine" she said watching Chris's face turn to disappointment. Maybe Scarlett was right? Either way he was still firstly out of her league and secondly a bit too old for her "Well you see we have separate lives, so separate we don't know each other exist" she giggled.

Chris laughed, knowing he'd given his emotions away but also finding her sarcasm amusing. He took a deep breath.

"Would you like to go out to dinner some time?"

Y/N paused for a moment, debating her answer. There was something about him...but she'd promised herself no men.

"I er - I'm not looking for anything right now... " she asked.

Chris was disappointed but smiled saying he understood. "What about coffee? Just as friends" he smiled.

Y/N smiled and nodded. They exchanged numbers before he went to grab his stuff before leaving.

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