Chapter 9

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Y/N awoke the next morning hearing pans from downstairs. She realised she was alone, Chris's clothes were gone as was his phone. She headed to her shower, trying to rinse off how dirty she felt. How could she just sleep with him like that? But oh god what a night... she hadn't felt like that in years...or ever even. No one had made her feel like that in bed and it turned out sex is just like riding a never forget. She remembered every detail of his body, how his hips fitted perfectly between her legs, their bodies moving in sync. It was clear neither of them were really that drunk, but it was an excuse she could give if they were caught out.

She got out the shower, putting on some joggers and a t-shirt. As she wondered downstairs she was surprised it was just Tom.

"Everyone else left?" she asked

"Yeah they went home to catch up on sleep and stuff. How you feeling?" he asked.

"Yeah fine actually, think I'd sobered up by the time we got home" she smiled.

"You actually managed to sleep? Someone was having really loud sex last night but I have no idea who, no one owned up" Tom laughed, Y/N went bright red and turned around and laughed.

"Sebastian maybe" she laughed.

"True, he told me about dumping his girlfriend. He said you convinced him round"

"Convinced is a strong word, I just made him realise his worth" she smiled sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar.

"And how are things going with the business idea? You guys seem close?" Tom questioned as he put some breakfast in front of her.

"Yeah good, it'll take time to build something worth putting out there, but I'll work on it when I get home. We've become close, he's a really good friend" she smiled.

"And you and Chris?"

"You say me and Chris as if we're a thing?"

"Well he asked you out didn't he?"

He still hasn't mentioned coffee yet, I might message him" she smiled knowing she wasn't totally lying. He hadn't mentioned coffee since they spent the day watching movies, but at the same time her stomach dropped because he'd clearly left without a word this morning. Maybe he'd call later? No Y/N you need to take control, it's just friends, last night was a one off. She took out her phone.

"Hey, hope your head isn't hurting too much this morning. Fancy grabbing that coffee later? x"

Chris's Pov

Chris read the text and sighed. He realised last night was a mistake. It made him realise how much he'd fallen for someone he couldn't have. She was perfect, and the night they shared... he hadn't felt like that before, ever. But she was going back to England, she didn't want a relationship, she didn't want him. Last night was just a drunken mistake and now he was paying for it with a slightly broken heart. It was easier to walk away now, forget the whole being friends thing, because he knew he was falling and no one was going to catch him.


A few days passed and Y/N heard nothing from Chris. Her final night approached and everyone was coming round for pizza. She was hoping he would be there, if nothing more than to say goodbye, but when they all got back from filming he wasn't there.

"No Chris?" she asked, trying not to seem too disappointed.

"He said he had something to do, but said to have a safe flight" Sebastian said, looking at her, knowing something was up.

Sebastian and Y/N had become close the past few weeks, and he could see right through her. The trip that was supposed to open doors and be without men had turned into her falling for someone she couldn't have. Y/N kept telling herself it was fine, she'd been through heart break before, she'd been used, it was nothing new, why was she surprised?

They all sat down, the pizza arrived and the drinks were flowing. Y/N wasn't feeling like drinking, plus she had to be up early for her flight so she stuck with soda.

"Hey Y/N did Chris ever take you to coffee?" Tom asked.

"No, he probably forgot" she smiled.

"That boy is such an idiot" Robert laughed, Y/N gave him a confused look.

"Oh come on he clearly likes you and you like him too! I saw you on that night out together, a few more drinks and you'd have probably been in bed together!"

Y/N tried to hide her cheeks going bright red. If only they knew...

"Guys seriously he doesn't like me. I haven't heard from him since that night, he hasn't bothered to show up today, so clearly he doesn't give two tosses about me. He's just another guy wanting to prove a point" she angrily stood up to go and get herself another drink. Everyone stayed silent.

Sebastian wondered over after a few moments.

"Fancy telling me what that was about?"

"Not really.. It's just frustrating you know? Someone shows interest in wanting to get to know you, then they change there mind. Such a mind fuck"

"Oh my god you do like him!" Sebastian smiled.

"Shut up!" Y/N hushed him. "It doesn't matter anyway. I'm going home tomorrow, back to reality. I don't need to be caught up over a summer romance. I mean we haven't even talked much! The most it was is a slight crush"

Sebastian laughed and shook his head as she wondered back over to the others.

The next morning Y/N came downstairs with her suitcase, most people had stayed over so they could say goodbye. After many hugs, her and Tom left the house and drove to the airport.

"You gunna be okay?" he asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I genuinely thought I could convince you to move here, I thought you'd be happier here, but I failed to make much difference" he looked down at his hands.

"Tom I had the best few weeks, and hey I've got a new business venture and some new friends! You knew me moving here wasn't going to happen, you never know one day...but not now" she smiled sadly.

They said goodbye and Y/N headed into the airport.

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