Chapter 4

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Whilst all bundled in the car, Y/N's phone started ringing. She took it out her back pocket to see it was her assistant back in London.

"Hey Rachel"

"Hey Y/N! Look I know you're away at the moment, but I've got a lot of media contacting me for statements"

"What? Media? Statements on what Rachel?"

"You're all over the internet with Tom Holland... care to explain that one to me? I thought we were good friends! How could you hide the fact you're dating Tom Holland?" Rachel was clearly frustrated, almost shouting down the phone so they could all hear in the car.

"Rachel of course we're good friends! Tom's my younger brother...we're not dating. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, we had our reasons"

"Oh shit! Your brother? I didn't know you had a brother? You owe me big time for this! Am I confirming your relationship or are we making no comment?"

"I know I owe you and I promise when I'm back I will make it up to you and explain everything! Make no comment for now, me and Tom will have a chat"

Y/N hung up and sighed. She hadn't considered how this would make her close friends feel.

"It'll be okay you know. Better it comes out now. I'll maybe do an instagram post tonight, I'll chat to my reps later" Tom looked at her with caring eyes, she smiled knowing he was right.

"Who was that then?" Sebastian asked from the back seat.

"You're a nosey one aren't you" Y/N laughed. "That was Rachel, my PA"

"Sorry your PA?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

Tom realised Scarlett hadn't been there when he explained to them all yesterday about his sister.

"Y/N has a really successful business in the health and fitness industry back home. It's grown so much she's no longer needed" he said proudly.

"How successful we talking?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow

"I have over 100 full time staff members" Y/N admitted, hoping that would give Scarlett all the information she needed.

She'd always been proud of her company and work, but women with high salaries and successful careers were always frowned upon. She found it hard to admit anything financially, but people got the general idea that she could make her own way in life easily. However, it made dating hard, either making men extremely uncomfortable or made them think they could stay at home playing video games all day.

"So the company must have a huge income?" Scarlett quizzes further.

"I mean yeah, I have salaries to pay for, building rental, business trips etc"

"That's crazy..." Chris said in shock.

Y/N smiled nervously, Chris was impressed and she liked that but she quickly put her eyes back on the road as they approached the new location for filming.

After a few hours Y/N was beginning to feel comfortable around Scarlett. They spoke about business, acting, early life and even arranged to go out for drinks that evening. After dropping everyone home, Y/N went to get ready. She put on a snuggly fit blue dress and tied her hair up into a curled pony tail and did her make up. Y/N didn't like to go to out but dressing up had always been a perk of the parties she was invited too. She had also worked hard to build the muscle on her body and learnt to love herself. The strappy dress showed off her toned upper body, and the snug dress showed off her quads and bum. Loving herself wasn't always easy. Having such a big business online meant having an online influencer if you will. It was exhausting posting pictures to show off your body, prove to people you knew what you were talking about, but often as a women that meant being sexualised by men or hated on.

As she wondered downstairs she could hear Scarlett's voice as well as some others. As she entered the living room she was met with Scarlett, Tom and what looked to be the majority of the cast.

"Oh hey we just thought we'd have a guys night whilst you two are off galavanting around" Tom laughed.

Y/N laughed nervously, looking around she recognised Sebastian, Tom Hiddleston, Robert, Renner and both Chris's. She politely said hello as Tom introduced her to those she hadn't met before looking at Scarlett reassuringly. Scarlett was stood in a red knee length body hugging dress. She looked incredible as always.

Y/N could feel someone's eyes burning through her, she turned and saw Chris quickly turn away. She continued to look at him shyly. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt which she could faintly see his chest tattoo through. He was a beautiful specimen of a man, but she quickly looked away when she realised she'd be staring for far too long.

"You both look amazing" Robert smiled. He seemed like the Dad of the group. Y/N and Scarlett both smiled.

"See you later then?" Y/N said to Tom.

"Yeah and don't you be bringing any guys home!" he laughed, clearly already slightly tipsy.

Y/N blushed, smiling goodbye to the others, her gaze lingering slightly longer on Chris as her and Scarlett left. 

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