Untitled Part 3

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-- Michael's P-O-V --

I never saw any girl called hazel at the lake. I didn't see any one at all. The place felt lonley, eary and  strangley quiet. I started to hang out there by my self every day after school. Istarted to play my guitar again. I loved to strum it down at the lake and listen to it echo into the distence.

One day I heard a twig snap. I know it wasn't a bird. I scrammbled up off ofthe ground and hid behide the huge, old, oak tree. I pressed my self onto the tree, in fear of falling into the lake. I lissened to the person comming closer. They stopped. I leaned over to see what the were doing. I had to shuffle back to peek at them. As I was moving back I stumbled and fell into the lake.

-- Lilly's P-O-V --

Me and Ashton forgot to go down to the lake to see lilly. Ashton knows that I'm not the reall Michael. Im the knew girl, Lilly, inside of Michael's body. I want to know if Michael is inside of my body.

We walk into the forest in search for the hidden lake. I hear the beutiful sound of  guitar. We rushed towardsthe sound. Trying not to make a noise. I saw a snake and step backwards. landing on a twig. the snap echoed through out the forest. I froze to the spot. I hear someone running the n they stoped. Their probbaly trying to hide. We contiene walking and take a seat near the guitar. Ashton wathes the huge oak tree with curiesity. Someones behind there. I stepp up at the sound of an ear piecing scream. I rush to the lake were the kid fell in.

-- Michael's P-O-V --

I couldn't swim. I was drowning. I felt dizzy again. It was like the lake never had a bottem. I feel the ripples of someone diving in. I'm caried back to the surface. I cant breath or open my eyes. I see a bright light and my dead grandmother. ' Michael. I am Lillys grandmother and you are within her body. you have a choice of life and death because you are on the border of it. I perswade you to choose life for Lilly will never come out of your body. Choose wisley, son." Her motherly voice said. I black out. Not knowig if I'm still alive. I jerk awake. Water sperts out of my mouth. I'm standing in front of my self. Wait that dousen't make sense. 

"Who a..are you?" I ask.

"I'm Lilly. I'm inside of Michaels body." she answers back.

" S..s..s..same." I reach out my hand and I pull each other in to a huge hug.

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