Chapter 1

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*Please read trigger warnings in description and check out my a/n at the end of this chapter*


Once again it had been an eventful night, but it was my fault, I should have been more organized. We have rules in this house, dinner must be on the table for when my dad gets home from work. Tonight, he had arrived later then I had expected which meant me and my mother had started dinner too early. I knew what was going to happen as soon as I heard the handle of the front door rattle behind me...

Silently, I had taken hold of my mother's hand and with a quick squeeze of reassurance she plastered a smile across her face and walked away from me. As she went to greet my father, I ran as fast as my legs would move to my little brother's room and without wasting any time knocking, I shoved open his door.

"Luke, dads home" I said breathlessly, and it didn't take long before his eyes widened, and he rushed out of his room following me to the dining table.

Approaching cautiously, we sat down timidly in our assigned seats. My mum had also taken her seat opposite us and we all stayed in complete silence not daring to make a sound. My dad didn't like loud noises, and I refused to disappoint him anymore then I already had done.

The food was placed in front of us, like it had been for the past fifteen minutes, and not long after we had arrived, he stumbled into the room and slumped himself in his chair. My assumptions had been confirmed, the stale stench of hard liquor filled the atmosphere and the heavy sighs my dad kept releasing suggested he was already getting frustrated.


That was all it needed before we all tucked into our meal, I mentally cringed as the first mouthful I consumed was cold. It didn't take long before the slamming of cutlery caused me to flinch, and soon after, the sound of broken plates crashing against the hard-wooded floor invaded my senses.

"Worthless pieces of shit" my dad growled as he took my mum by the arm and threw her to the ground. I wanted to help her, to save her from him...but I froze. Luke's crying had thankfully shook me away from my helpless state and was all I needed for my instincts to kick in. Smoothly, I gripped my brother's hand and tiptoed my way out of the warzone pulling him along with me. Mum had always taught me to get Luke away from the violence, we didnt discuss the issue much, but I knew this was necessary.

As soon as I reached the end of the hallway, the shouting stopped, and the small whimpering cries coming from my mum echoed through the house. I wasted no time in pulling Luke into my room and shutting the door, at least he was with me and not on his own...

I opened my closet and cleared a small space at the bottom and quickly pushed Luke inside before ripping a couple of my baggy hoodies off the hangers. I needed to hide him, to keep him safe, even if I was the one paying the price in bruises.

After covering him with my clothes, I told him to keep quiet and not to leave this spot, and with one last warning I shut the closet door and rushed over to the corner in the opposite side of my room.

My father's footsteps gradually got louder, the floorboards near my room began to creak and before I could process what was happening my bedroom door flung open - crashing into the wall beside it.


Immediately I slumped to the floor, preparing myself for the first blow. It came instantly, I cradled forward in an attempt to sooth the pain, but I was denied as he grabbed a fist full of my hair and dragged my head upwards to look at him.

"You're a worthless bitch! Just like your mother"

Tears were falling from my eyes; I didnt want to listen to him, but I had no choice... there was no escape. Instead I cowered weakly, my arms held tightly around my stomach in an attempt to protect myself from the strong whiplashing material of his leather boot.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐫 ||𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐏𝐝 (𝐔𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now