Chapter 6

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After the number of altercations that I have already witnessed so far this morning, I didn't think there was much room for any more negative outcomes. Little did I know... that thought process of mine couldn't have been more wrong.

Spending almost two hours directing my attention on Mrs Preston has already drained what little energy I had left in my system, but finally the continuous torture is coming to a close.

With a small thump, my head slipped off the inner side of my elbow and immediately I recognised that maybe my concentration wasn't as focused as I had initially considered.

Relief rushed through me as I took a gazing glance at the clock on the left-hand side of the class. Ten more minutes and this will be over.

Drifting off into my own space of darkness is something that happens regularly, especially when the only other option is to actually focus properly on a lesson... and right now that would be physics.

It would be hard enough to understand on its own, never mind the amount of baggage I seem to carry with me wherever I go. The baggage that ways me down... The baggage that seizes my attention...The baggage that drains every last drop of self-control.

Everything inside of me feels heavy... but at the same time I feel hollow. It's difficult to describe, maybe everyone feels this way and I'm simply overreacting but whatever this constant emotion is... I hate every part of it.

I despise what it has made me become, a weak insignificant toy who only lives for one single purpose, to be a disappointment, to be worthless, and to serve a punishment for each ounce of pain or frustration I have put my father through.

How is it possible to deserve a life like this? I wish I could understand what I did to cause such a physical reaction from the man who was supposed to protect me from evil rather than become the monster himself.

The repetitive removal of my inner self-control was gradually becoming undone as my hands began to shake underneath the table. My eyes fastened back to the clock, watching the hands as each second passed in the space of a minute.

The ticking became louder and soon started to match the thumping throbs in the side of my temple, I had the sudden urge to drop my weighted head and relieve the pressure my brain was suffocating inside of.

Time was playing a game with me, the more I'd stare at the clock the longer each moment would pass but I couldn't bring myself to look away from the object that signifies my freedom.

The growing anxiety emerged from its cave and tingled its way up my skin, leaving a temporary mark along the pathway until it froze in its place, reminding me further that I was trapped and that this was something I couldn't escape from.

Consequences. That was the only justifiable reason in why I hadn't darted out of the room and skipped this day all together.

I gripped the small amount of hope I held inside of me and although it was decreasing each day that passed, I needed it in order for me to keep myself under control, to keep myself from sliding away into more darkness.



The vibrating sound echoed through the building and without any regret I hopped out of my seat and subtly followed the other teenagers out of the class. Despite every muscle in my body screaming at me to barge past them, I kept my cool, reminding myself to avoid the eyeline of others whenever possible.

Eventually, the crowd cleared, and I ventured my way into the brightly lit hallway, scurrying my feet as I hurried towards my locker.

After carelessly chucking some unnecessary textbooks into the metal box, I was unprepared for the vital scare I was about to face.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐫 ||𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐏𝐝 (𝐔𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now