Chapter 8

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A/N : If you have forgotten what happened last, skip back to the last chapter and hopefully it will refresh your memory ;)

I could feel myself panicking once again. The original burst of adrenaline had dissolved into anxiety and this new proximity between the both of us was driving me into another attack.

This 'closet' was barely big enough to fit a singular person inside, never mind the both of us. If it hadn't been for my petite frame, then we'd both be suffocating against each other.

The green-eyed boy's chest was directly in front of me, and my forehead was in line with the crook of his neck. I hated that he was so close to me, at this point I'd rather get caught then be pressed up against a man.

I'm perfectly fine when around Luke, that's different - he's my little brother. But ever since my father started to change, there had been a line that I had to put between myself and males.

Then again, personal space has always been important to me, no matter who the person taking up the room was. Although, in this situation, it was stressful. Especially when I couldn't remember the name he had introduced himself with during this morning's Physics lesson.

I was slowly losing myself, my fingers were becoming irritable, and my neck was overheating, causing my hair to act like a radiator.

Instinctively, I pressed my back into the wall behind me. The gap between the both of us would be barely noticeable to him, but to me, I couldn't be more thankful for it.

It was only a few centimetres at most, but it was there.

My face was staring straight at the centre of his top, I didn't want to look up at him. I'd much rather pretend that this was not happening.

But, as the sound of athletic shoes started to get closer and closer to our location, my breathing had began to increase involuntary and even though I hadn't noticed - he had.

All I could see was the hand lifting, the silhouette being held higher and higher. It happened so fast, and I felt like such an idiot afterwards.

The rising shadow made me flinch - his finger. All he had done was bring his index finger to his lips, indicating for me to be quiet.

Of course, the logical reasoning for it had shot right past my brain, because instead I had jerked my head to the right.

It was stupid. The only thing that my father and him had in common was the fact that they were both male. I didn't know enough about him to possibly come to a conclusion on his personality, but reflexes are impossible to hide, and I had no control of them.

I could feel his eyes on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look back at the teenager. I was embarrassed.

Pathetic. What was I trying to achieve? I needed to show him that my reflex was nothing uncommon, everyone flinches...

Therefore, I tilted my head back to the centre and looked up slowly. My breathing had regulated slightly once I took sight of him. He didn't seem to be judging me, but I couldn't be sure.

That was until he looked at me softly, the smallest of smiles ghosting his lips.

I was ultimately surprised at the sudden change of emotion, nevertheless I warily smiled back. After all he seemed to be the type whose emotion would falter rather quickly, as proven moments before we got into this situation; he had been laughing not too long ago - until he saw me looking.

Seconds later, I broke eye contact. Flustered, I hadn't even realised we were still looking directly at one another.

I felt vulnerable under the vision of his deep green eyes, but it wasn't towards him. Strangely, I felt open to others around me, and despite us both being the only ones in this enclosed space, I felt like I wasn't protecting my emotions, almost as if the stranger could bring a feeling out of me that I had never experienced before.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐫 ||𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐏𝐝 (𝐔𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now