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"Woah, Koda, you have a bunny?"

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             It was lunch break and Ahiru sat with the group that author-san likes to call the 'Characters who deserves more love', which was:

Tokoyami, Koda, Shoji, Ojiro, Hagakure, and Sato. Aoyama was also included but he isn't present since he likes to eat in the classroom.

"Huh..? O-oh... Yeah..." The said male mutters, scratching his red tinted cheeks. "I'd love to meet him...or her?"

"It's a he. His name is Shiro."

As weeks passed by, she grew more confident and comfortable around her new friends and classmates. She wasn't stuttering anymore which as a big improvement for her.

Also, she and Shinso developed a rather unusual friendship. How their relationship grew was between the two of them, but Aizawa wasn't completely complaining since it lessened his worries.

Beside Ahiru was Tokoyami. She glanced to her side to saw dark shadow trying to grab the apple from her tray.

"Here you go, dark shadow. Help yourself." The shadow bird happily took the fruit from her hand and smiled at her, munching on it.

Today, she had a chicken kaarage sandwich with lettuce and tomato topped with mayonnaise. (A/n: try it, it's DELICIOUS.)

"Say, Ahiru, since we're getting to know each other, why don't we hang out on the weekend? You know, the gang and stuff." Hagakure suggests.

This was kinda a surprise to her.

No one besides Shinso and Midoriya has asked her to hang out before. She thought two friends was the maximum friends she would have. Like, rEally.

"Hmm? Me? Are you sure?"

The invisible girl laughed and nudged her, "Of course I meant you. So, you guys free?" She asks the rest of the group.

𝐐𝐮𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚 [Bnha x Reader!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now