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(A/n: There will be a scene in which was adapted from one of @shotorozu 's works on Tumblr! A big thanks to them for letting me use the scene!)

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3rd POV

It was nearly evening as the sun sets.

By this time of the day people would be on their way home or have dinner with friends and colleagues.

Isn't it nice to do what you want after a long day of work? If I could, I would immediately go home, buying a treat on the way, making dinner for myself, and climbing onto the rooftop and stargaze till one in the morning.

Or maybe just spend my time drawing with a cat on my lap.

Or hang out with friends, enjoying each and every moment.

Or a peaceful time in a café alone while reading a book of my choice and enjoying a cup of whatever beverage I might like.

Yea, all those things seemed so simple, realistic, and easy to achieve for some of you, but not your friend, author-chan over here.

I just finished my school year this month, and the next school year starts in like two weeks (This was like a year ago).

I am doing my best to try and enjoy my limited "vacation time". But I can't even if I try.

My chores aren't simple especially in a family of seven.

We do laundry everyday, I had to cook Three to four dishes a day, I have to keep watch over my three younger brothers who would mostly be at each other's throats every time i turn my back on them, and I have to wash loads of dishes, pots and pans, in which not everyone is fond of doing.

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