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"Don't tell me you ate that moldy bread. You did, didn't you?"

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Shinso's P.O.V

I was walking towards the dorms of 1-A. I had to pick up Ahiru for morning training with Mr. Aizawa and he said she would be here. They had slumber party, huh? Why have a party to have fun before going to sleep? Just sleep, Isn't that fun enough?

Knocking on the door, I waited for someone to answer. I hate socializing. I hate people. Except Ahiru, she makes me hot coco at night when I can't sleep :) Someone opened the door, lo and behold, its the portable charger. "Wheeyyy, Shinso. Hey guys, Shinso's here."

The others came by to greet me with smiles on their faces. How could they have such willpower to smile so early in the morning? I can't even get myself to wake up even after 6 alarms, SIX ALARMS. 

"Good morning Shinso. What made you drop by?" Midoriya greets.

Gathering all my energy to socialize and answer his question, I replied "I'm here to fetch Ahiru. Where is she?"

"She had a sleepover with the others in Ojiro's room. Feel free to go up there, though I feel like they're still asleep though."

'In a guy's room?'

"I can take you there, might as well help you wake them up, I mean, it is the manly thing to do." They guy in who I think is Kirishima, said.

We headed up stairs through the elevator. "So, why are you up so early? I mean, classes doesn't start till like, eight, right?" 

'Why does he gotta ask so many questions?'

"We have training every morning with Mr. Aizawa." I replied. again.

𝐐𝐮𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚 [Bnha x Reader!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now