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"Sleep is a curse, and yet a curse I need to live." 

                                                 -Steven Universe.

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3rd POV

Heroes, ambulances, medics, and victims littered the Fujikawa bridge of Shizuoka prefecture.

A recent accident had occurred as a outcome of a villain attack on the bridge. The criminals were all armed with non-registered (Aka, Illegal) support items.

Heroes that were nearby was called in to deal with the situation.  With those heroes being Fatgum and his interns, things would've been easy, but situation turned sour when three children were held hostage.

Feeling confident that they were equipped with the support items, the villains decided to play rough.

And like in any decisions in life, sacrifices needed to be made.

Kirishima knew that.

Tamaki knew that.

"We'll free these brats if one of you step right in and let us beat you up to a pulp without fighting back!"

The villain yelled.

Seeing the childrens' frightened faces, a certain strawberry blonde female takes a deep breath and stepped in.

"I'll do it! Let them go and do whatever you want with me!"

Tamaki and Kirishima wanted to oppose her decision but their voice had failed them as they helplessly stood their ground.

The leader smirked and sent his men to return the children. As soon as the rest of the civilians were out of the scene, everything resumed.

"Whatcha waitin' for, Pretty girl? A deal is a deal." He smirked.

𝐐𝐮𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐚 [Bnha x Reader!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now