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"I can help you find this person if you'd like."


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"Two is better than one, don't you agree?"

"And what? Burn the suspect to ashes before I could even interrogate them? No thanks."

"Look, If you allow us to work together, then I'll try not to cremate anyone." Dabi persuades Hawks as he followed after the winged hero.

Once the raven haired villain learned that Hawks was after the man he was looking for, he showed himself to the hero in hopes of getting information or at least knowing the culprit's whereabouts. Look, he didn't want to stoop low and ask for Hawks' help either but since Hawks knew something, it would make things easier for Dabi to get rid of him.

"You'll try? Sorry, but I need this person alive. At least till I'm done with him." Hawks replied darkly, whispering the last sentence to himself. Oh lord, you don't understand how much he wanted to get his hands dirty.

Dabi had been tailing after him for quite a while now which surprised the blonde. It made him curious of what could he possibly offer to do just to get his hands on this person from how desperate he sounds.

Hawks was already ticked off from all this travelling and asking around, he didn't want another nuisance to hinder him from completing this mission; more likely steal all the fun he has in store for Shun. He would beat the shit out of him, remove each and every nail on both his hands and feet, drown him with chlorine, pour a whole tank of red ants on him, then after a whole bottle of vinegar; lastly, he would feed him to wild dogs...


Seeing that Hawks wouldn't change his mind, Dabi clicks his tongue and left him alone. He heads to another direction and disappeared into the crowd.

Hawks sighs when he didn't feel Dabi's presence anymore. He can finally focus on the task on hand...

To go to Shiketsu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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