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"Cat, oh my gosh there you are, how have you been."

Ugh I am so not in the mood to deal with her right now, I need more alcohol.

"Stephanie, I've been doing quite well actually. How about you? I haven't see you in like forever."

"Oh you know doing all sorts of things, been there done that. We haven't hung out in like forever, we so need to plan something soon."

I wonder why we haven't hung out in like forever, will forever be a mystery to us both.

"Of Course Steph, its been so long since we last hung out. Well I have to run I'll see you later."

I turned and walked off with that.

Meet Stephanie Ryder, the total "it" girl. The girl every guy wants and every girl wants to be. She's perfect mosts eyes, except mine and the people she hurts. She was I guess the total package to most.

The blonde platinum hair that was amazingly soft, and silky enough to run your hands through. Don't forget the deep blue eyes that has everybody falling for her trap, just one look and she has guys, and some girls falling at her feet. The smooth skin every girl wants. Don't forget the most important part. Total class A bitch.

She is the nicest person on the outside, to anybody that matters. But when it comes to the less popular people, the losers basically, she becomes a completely different person. She tears them down slowly until they feel like nothing, totally worthless. I have witnessed it, but never chosen, thank the heavens.

Although she's a bitch and popular she's not the total slut everybody would think she'd be. Sure she wears some tight and revealing tops, occasionally the short skirts, but she doesn't sleep with any guys who breathes. In fact she has only slept with one person. Blake O'Conell.

Blake O'conell. A Greek god, possibly hand crafted by the heavens themselves, at least that's what he thinks. He has the softest, most flawless brown hair any guy has ever had, in my opinion. Makes any girl want to just run their hand through. The most alluring, deep brown eyes that hooks any girl that stares into them, pulls them in.

Don't forget the most important part, the body. Perfectly sculpted, better than Taylor laughtner. I seriously just want to run my hand over his perfect abs all day, every day.

Blake and Stephanie are I guess fuck buddies. He will go off and find some hot chick, sleep with her then bolt. Then go right back to Stephanie. I guess they have this weird understanding of their "relationship", but of course she reads way more into it then he ever will.

She tells him she loves him but he never reciprocates the feelings, she thinks she can change him and that's what she puts all her work into. Him.

In fact that's the main reason why Stephanie and I aren't friends anymore. Way back then we had been the bestest of friends. We were two peas in a pod wherever I was, Stephanie was right there,vice versa. She knew my deepest secrets while I knew hers.

That all changed Freshman year. She started caring about what everybody else thought of her, not caring how she felt. She needed to please everybody so they would like her and become the "it" girl. So then she started wearing tons of makeup, more sluttish clothes and of course getting rid of the people who brought her down, which I guess was me.

Then I met summer. The total opposite of Stephanie. Summer has long, soft brown hair that a guy would actually want to run his hand threw. She had a the perfect tan skin that she received from playing soccer.

She was the kind of person who everybody loved, because she was just herself. She could light up a room just by walking in with a smile. She was the type of person who didn't care what people thought of her, didn't try changing herself just to impress others. That's the main reason why we became the best friends we are today.

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