The Day After

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"Get the fuck out,"

"Babe you have a meeting with the wedding planner."

Ughh. My head was pounding so hard right now. I felt like someone was slamming a hammer repeatedly on my head.

"Fine just get out, go make me coffee,"

"Ok sweetie you have 45 minutes to get ready."

It took me a few minutes to finally get out of bed. Once I did I walked to my dresser to find Advil and water. Thanks babe.

I then turned on the shower and got in. It was amazingly hot. The warmth went all over my back, making the muscles relax and lose all its tension.

I used my favorite conditioner and shampoo. They smelled amazing, vanilla and sunshine. I stepped out and looked at myself in the mirror.

My eyes were dark and tired looking. I had dark circles under my eyes, indicating I had only a few hours of sleep. I try remembering what all happened but it's all confusing, and blurry.

"Oh my gosh."

I remember. Him. I can not believe he came and tried to talk to me. Just thinking of him infuriates me. Who the hell did he think he is. He was so lucky I was drunk. He better not come back. If he does he won't be so lucky.

Trying to put him out of my mind I go and get ready for the meeting. I try to fix my hair, but I am honestly too lazy to do anything. So I just put it up in a good but messy looking bun. I keep my makeup simple. Mascara, lost of concealer and chapstick.

I check the time, 20 minutes. I think I have done pretty good so far, considering how I am always late for everything. I then try and find a outfit. I go for black skinny jeans, an off the shoulder cream sweater, my dark brown riding boots and a tan, brown scarf.

I check myself in the mirror. In my opinion it doesn't look like I have a hangover and was partying out all night.

I grab my black fringed purse, wallet and phone and head to the kitchen

"Morning luke,"

"Morning, how are you feeling,"

"Better, thanks for the Advil, it helped a lot"

"What else am I here for,"

"Haha very funny."

"I thought so too."

We then sit and chat about the wedding while eating some toast.

"Ok so the wedding is May the 28th. What colors do you like?"

"Well we're is it gonna be?"

"The beach,"

"Well then I say blue and purple,"

"It's like you read my mind. Well I better head out or I'll be late, again."

"Ok laters baby."


I grab the car keys and head out. Today I'm meeting with the wedding planner alone. We will just be going to look at some venues for the wedding.

"Hi Erika how are your?"

"I am great dear, how are you?"


"Ok so I have found a few places around California. First let's set a budget for the venue then we can narrow it down."

"Ok so what would you say is a good budget for a venue."

"Well it depends the median range would problem be 4,ooo to 6,000."

Wow that a lot. I thought it would be more of 1,000 to maybe 3,000.

"Ok I think I could do 5,000 max for the venue."

"Ok let's see what we narrowed it down too."

While I sat in her office I stared looking threw my phone. I was still trying to find the perfect dress.

"Ok, so there are three venues here. two are 4,000 for 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Then the other is 4,500 for 9:00 am to 10:00 pm."

"Ok they sound great can we meet with any of them today?"

"Yes we can actually see all of them, so let's go on and head out."

Once we got in her car we started talking about all the little details. She said I should buy a wedding check list book. It sounded important I would have to text Sum about it.

If you were wondering, her And jake got married a year ago. It was the cutest wedding ever. It was simple and classy just like them. I was her made of honor and it was a blast to him the journey with her.

Now it's my turn. And I am so glad I have summer to help me threw with all of this.

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