No Title Yet (pt1)

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Yeah, I can't think of a title for this story, so apologies for that.

Story contains: swearing, abuse, self harm

Kay was on the floor, clutching his stomach. He was picked up by the arm, dragged up the stairs and pushed into his room, which made him fall onto the floor, but quickly got back up. "Keep your pathetic ass in there," his dad hissed. "And no food, and if you come out of there, you know what'll happen,"

"Yes sir..." Kay said, trying not to cry. He shut the door, Kay listened to the footsteps, and when they disappeared he fell onto his mattress, sobbing quietly. He didn't want his sister to hear it. If she did, she would ask him what's wrong, he would say nothing, then she would go ask their father, who would tell her to go see if the shop has something, then when she's gone he would go straight to his room and punish him. Luckily she hasn't witnessed the punishments, or punishments as his dad would sometimes call it. The door opened and Kay stood up straight, trying not to continue crying.

"Here, take this stupid letter you bitch," he spat as he sat down on the chair that came with his desk. Kay slowly took it before he opened it and read it.

"Umm, there's a problem with this, sir," he said, still holding back tears.

"And what would that be?"

"I don't speak Mandarin...? I think that's what it is anyways sir," he handed him the letter, which he snatched. He read it and pinched his nose like he was having a migraine.

"I have told your uncle several times to stop typing letters in foreign languages we don't understand," he sighed. "Yet of course he doesn't listen," he got up, turned around and left, but stopped in the doorway, cast a glance back at Kay and stared at him. "Be glad Maxie's home or you would've been punished earlier," He shut the door, leaving Kay to count his lucky stars. He looked at the clock, 8:52, he wobbled over to his wardrobe and took out a ripped t-shirt and shorts.

"Well, they're better than nothing," he shrugged. He changed and went over to his mirror. He opened the drawer and took out a razor. "Just a few more," he muttered, and he kept muttering that as he began cutting.

After a few minutes, he stopped and put plasters on top of them. He went over and turned off the light, went back over to the mattress, lay down and grabbed his phone. '26 texts from various chats' the notif read. He clicked on it, unlocked his phone and he saw that most of them were from a group chat that must've been made earlier, but one from Alf. He opened it and read it. 'Why weren't you at school today? Are you alright?' that earned a soft smile from Kay. He texted back saying. 'Yeah, just felt a bit queasy, might be back tomorrow though' he set his phone down and sighed. At least the day was over and he doesn't have to worry about his dad until tomorrow.

Next Day

He woke up and checked his phone. "Oh shit," he bolted upright and flinched. "Ach, I forgot about my ribs," he slowly got up, walked over to his mirror, took off his top and looked for marks. There was a big bruise on his stomach and a couple of reopened wounds. "Damn, so close to one day without an open cut," he sighed. He put on a top which wasn't ripped on the front, put on a pair of joggers and put on a jacket. He went to go brush his teeth then went downstairs and saw Maxie sitting at the table.

"You wanting toast or cereal?" she asked him. He glanced at his father, who was giving him a side glare and mouthed 'nothing'.

"I'm good Maxie, I'll have something later," he said and looked at his dad, who nodded.

"No, Maxie says you're having something," she came over and picked up his arm. "You're turning into a freaking skeleton,"

"Seriously, I'm fine," she stared at him for a few minutes before she went back to her cereal. "Come on, we'll be late,"

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