No Title Yet (pt8)

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Story contains: swearing, blood mention

She stared at the photo, and Scarlette came over. "What's wrong babe?" She rested her chin on her wifes head and looked at the photo. "...What the fuck is that?"

"I don't know..." Amber responded. They looked at each other, then at Kay. "Kay, come here a minute,"

"Sure?" He picked Lilith up and slowly came over. "What's up?"

"Firstly, you good?"

"Yeah. Alf just doesn't go gentle when it comes down to it,"

"Ah, makes sense. Secondly, does that person look familiar to you?" Scarlette asked as he was handed the picture.

"Can you hold her a minute," Kay handed Scarlette Lilith and she took her.

"Wow, someone's getting big," she said. "You're becoming a big girl," she smiled at Lilith, who then started to bite on her ear. "Ow, can you please stop biting me?"

"Oh yeah, Lilith's a bit of a biter, should see your sons' arm, covered in bite marks from her," Kay said. He took the photo and looked at it, then his face dropped.

"Does she?" Amber asked.

"Yeah... that's mine and Maxies mother,"

"What's with the slit across the neck?"

"Oh, that's how dad killed her, sliced her neck,"

"How delightful..." Scarlette said. "But what is she doing?"

"I don't know... but it looks like she's pointing,"

"Then she's pointing in the direction of the prison," Amber said. "Why would she be pointing there?"

"I don't know," Kay said. Just then, Ambers phone went off and she checked it.

"For flips sake," she sighed.

"What's wrong?" Her wife asked.

"Fricking high winds heading to this area,"

"Lovely," she muttered. "How windy?"

"About 100-120 mph, should start in 2 mins,"

"Good god. Right, come on guys! We'll have the party inside! Another high wind warning was issued!" She shouted to the others, who gathered their things and headed inside.

"You guys can head into the living room with the children and Maxie, I've got a surprise for the others," Amber said. The husbands, Maxie and the children left, except for Lilith, who was still nibbling at Scarlettes ear.

"What's the surprise?" Selly asked her mother.

"Look!" She squealed as she pulled out a couple of bottles of expensive wine. "They were reduced to clear!"

"No way! Really?!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Yes! And the best bit is..." she set the bottles down and took about 5 more out. "I got a whole ton of them! And there are other wines in the other bags!"

"Ladies," Allison said. "I think we all know what type of day it's gonna be,"

"Wine day!" Scarlette cheered.

"I'll pass," Genie said. "I'm not a huge fan of wine,"

"Sad lady," Amber said.

"I'm aware,"

"Good. Now ladies, yous can also head to the living room, Scarlette, bring the wine and glasses through, and give Kay back their child,"

"Alright" Scarlette said. The others went through and Amber pulled her phone back out.

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