Quotes pt5

51 1 12

● Quote 1

Duck: *singing to Selly* I can show you the world~

Duck: *checks his phone*

Phone: You have £2.03

Duck: *takes Selly outside, still singing* I can show you my driveway~

Selly: *crying from laughter*

● Quote 2

Kay, just regaining consciousness in a hospital bed: What just-

Alf: You passed out from a fever, sweetheart. Do you remember anything?

Kay: Kind of. I remember the ambulance ride

Alf: That wasn't an ambulance ride, I drove you here

Kay: But I heard sirens

Alf: That was Duck

Kay: ...

Duck, breathing into a paper bag: I will not apologise for caring about my best friend!

● Quote 3

Maxie: Maxie just ran over a child!

Genie: E-EXCUSE ME?!

Maxie: And instead of arresting me...

Genie: ???

Maxie: The police apologised!

Maxie: Maxie doesn't follow the law!

Genie: You need to follow it...


Genie: MAXIE, NO!

● Quote 4

Victor: I wasn't that drunk!

Alf: You threw mushrooms at Kay, Duck and Maxie...

Genie: And then you shouted: 'Grow Mario 1, 2 and 3, grow!'

Selly: And then you started shouting at them because they didn't grow, and now they're crying in the next room because of you

● Quote 5

(Group chat with Kay, Alf and Duck)

Kay: Lol, just a heads up guys

Alf: This isn't gonna be good...

Kay: If you try to make a candle with food colouring, the food colouring will sink to the bottom of the glass

Duck: Why were you trying to make a candle?

Kay: And when the flame eventually reaches the bottom, all the food colouring will catch fire and will become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack

Duck: Kay? Why do you know this?

Alf: I am also curious

Kay: Then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic, then the extremely hot food colouring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter

Kay: Please take my word on this, lmfao

Alf: Kay, what did you do?


Duck: Why wasn't I invited to make candles though?

● Quote 6

Alf: Top 30 reasons why Alf is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you!

Kay: Top 30 anime deaths. Number 1: YOU'RE FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!

Selly, in the background: DO IT!

● Quote 7

Maxie: What if the 'g' in 'gif' is silent?

Genie: Maxie, please go to sleep, it's 2am

Maxie: What gif Maxie doesn't want to?

Genie: *sighs* I hate you

● Quote 8

Selly: Please, I'm begging you, go to a doctor

Duck: I'm sorry, is this our stab wound? Stay the fuck out of it

● Quote 9

Dos: I am not out of control! I am a law abiding citizen!

Mos: Really? Name one law

Dos: Don't kill people?

Mos: That's on me. I set the bar too low

● Quote 10

Maxie: How does Maxie unbake a cake?

Genie: You can't. Once the ingredients are mixed up and baked, it's permanent.

Kay: Maxie, listen carefully: you need to put it back in the oven, set it to the negative of whatever temp you baked it at, such as -160°, and leave it in for the exact amount of time you baked it for. It has to be exact! If you unbake it too much the flour may turn into wheat and the eggs may turn into chickens! Don't ask me how

Genie: Kay, I'm telling Alf to make sure you don't get any more sweets tonight

Kay: Then you don't get Maxie for tonight

Genie: I'M SORRY!

● Quote 11

Alf: I have 206 bones in my body

Kay: I hope you do, I don't wanna take you to the hospital and then explain that you're missing a bone

Alf: But... when I look at you, I have 207

Kay, blushing: O-oh!

Selly: Alf, just admit you wanna fuck him!

● Quote 12

Duck: Why are you on the floor?

Kay: I'm depressed

Kay: Also I was stabbed, can you get Alf please?

● Quote 13

Duck: Alf, can I get some dating advice?

Alf: Duck, we've been through this, just because I'm with Kay, doesn't mean I know how I did it

● Quote 14

Selly: Why are your tongues purple?

Alf: We had slushies. I had a blue one

Kay: And I had a red one

Selly: Oh

Genie and Selly: ...

Genie and Selly, looking at each other: OH!

Maxie and Duck: ...

Duck: You drank each others slushies?

Maxie: You guys got slushies?! Why didn't Maxie get one?!

● Quote 15

Kay: There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole thing is visible in every facet

Alf: ...

Selly: ...

Genie: ...

Maxie: ...

Duck: ...

Everyone else who came to Kay's surprise birthday party: ...

Gary: All I asked you was if you wanted to be the one to cut your cake or are you wanted someone else to do it

Kay: ...You can cut it

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