Quotes pt4

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● Quote 1

Maxie: The ocean is a soup

Genie: Do elaborate

Maxie: What is needed for something to be a soup?

Genie: Uh... water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally I prefer some meat in mine

Maxie: ...

Genie: *realisation* The ocean is a soup...

Maxie: *slowly nods* The ocean is a soup

● Quote 2

(Kay and Alf texting)

Alf: Babe, what are you doing?

Kay: Laying in bed

Alf: Mmm... just laying in bed? Nothing else...?

Kay: I'm eating cereal

Alf: Haha, nice

Alf: What would you do if I was in bed next to you?

Kay: I would continue to eat my cereal

Alf: Lol, what if the cereal wasn't there? ;)

Kay: Then I would get out of bed and go get cereal

● Quote 3

Selly: If you found out you had one day left to live, what would you do?

Maxie: Maxie would say goodbye and amend all her relationships

Duke: I'd do something illegal

Kay: I'd accept my fate

Alf: Same

Duck: I would message 10 people on Facebook and tell them that if they don't forward it to 10 people, then I would die tomorrow

Duke: ...Can I change my answer? That one is much better

● Quote 4

Alf: Hey, spell me

Kay: Okay? M-E

Alf: You forgot the D

Kay, confused: There's no 'D' in me?

Alf: *winks* Not yet

Duck: Get a room, lovebirds!

● Quote 5

(Maxie and Genie texting)

Maxie: Maxie has sent good vibes your way... they're coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop them

Genie: This is the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up

● Quote 6

(Kay and Duke texting)

Kay: Hi, who is this? Maxie changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures and cryptids

Duke: What's mine?

Kay: Shadow person


Kay: Oh, hey Duke :D

Duke: FUCK

● Quote 7

Genie: Can you please be serious for 5 minutes?

Maxie: Maxies record is 4, but Maxie thinks she can do it

● Quote 8

Duck: Change is inedible

Selly: Don't you mean inevitable?

Duck: *spits out change* No I did not

● Quote 9

Dos: Are you an 'Arr' pirate or a 'Yo ho ho' pirate?

Mos: I'm a 'I'm not paying £600 for photoshop' pirate

● Quote 10

Kay: Hey, has anyone seen my top?

Selly: Yeah, Alf's in the kitchen

Duck: *chokes on his cereal*

Genie: *spits out her drink*

● Quote 11

Kay, who has insomnia: English may be a difficult language, but it can be understood through tough thorough thought, though

Alf: Kay, it's 2am, and I know you have insomnia, but can you please attempt to sleep?

● Quote 12

Teacher: Alright, today we are gonna talk about what to do if there is a fire in the building

Child Duck: I'm running as fast as I can home

Child Maxie: Go to the nearest window and jump!

Teacher: No, we will calm down and line up quietly

Child Alf: So you want us to stay happy and joyful while we burn?

Child Kay: Line up quietly? Is the fire sleeping or something?

Teacher: If everyone is screaming, I won't be able to take attendance to see who is missing

Child Genie: Taking attendance while the fire is eating us alive?

Teacher: And what if everyone behind you was running and someone trips and falls?

Child Selly: Well, that's their fault, they should've ran faster

Teacher: You guys know what? We are gonna hide under our desks

Child Kay: What's the fire doing? Playing hide and seek?

Teacher: We are also leaving everything behind, including our bags

Child Duck: Teacher, do you wanna pay for my headphones, books, tablet and all my school supplies?

Child Genie: Teacher, do you also want to pay for my phone, because I will take the whole desk with me if I have to

Child Maxie: Maxie isn't leaving her school bag here

Teacher: Again, we need to calm down because I will not open the door until we are in single file

Child Alf: And what if a student was burning alive?

Child Kay: They would tell them 'CaLm DoWn HuNnY'

Child Genie: They would tell them to stop, drop and roll, so I'm sure the fire would wait until they're done

● Quote 13

Kay: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety, I'll wait

Alf: You and me!

Kay, tearing up: Okay

● Quote 14

Duck: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- (translation: I'M SORRY)

Selly: What's that?

Duck: Remorse code

Selly: I'm even angrier now

● Quote 15

Maxie: The floor is lava! Quick you guys'll die! *crouches on a chair*

Alf: *gets on the couch*

Duck: *hops onto the table*

Kay, Genie and Selly: *calmly lays on the floor like a starfish*

Alf, Maxie and Duck: *is concerned*

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