Quotes pt3

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● Quote 1

(with brat Kay)

Alf: Hey, wanna see a person who has been acting bratty all day and is about to be punished?

Kay, colouring in: What did they do?

Alf: They nearly broke all of the plates, refuses to put their stuffed animals away, refuses to have a proper meal for dinner, and refuses to drink anything but coffee

Kay: *mutters* But I have done all of those things...

Alf: *shows the picture* See, that's who's gonna be punished

Kay: That's a picture of me...

Alf: Correct

Kay: ...

Kay: *runs*

● Quote 2

Maxie: Genie, how is it cavemen survived the asteroid but the dinosaurs never?

Genie: By social distancing, Maxie. They stayed 65 million years apart

● Quote 3

Selly: Thoth was the god of knowledge, so it wouldn't be inappropriate to ask 'Θώθ, what's this?'

Genie: ...What creature possessed you to say this?

● Quote 4

Genie: Dude, nothing rhymes with orange...

Victor: False

Genie: What do you mean 'false'?

Victor: Nothing does not rhyme with orange

Genie: What?

Victor: Nothing and orange do not rhyme

Genie: That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that there is no other word that rhymes with orange

Victor: ...Door hinge

● Quote 5

Duck, singing: This woman is my destiny~

Duck, pointing at Selly: She said...

Selly, singing along: Oooh~ Shut up

Selly, speaking normally: Shut up

Kay, who witnessed the whole thing: *crying of laughter*

● Quote 6

Lucifer (Kay and Maxie's dad): Kay, you know what today is?

Kay: Yeah, it's Sunday

Lucifer: No

Kay: Yes it is fucking Sunday, look at a fucking calender

Lucifer: I know it's Sunday

Kay: No you didn't, you just said no-

Lucifer, getting annoyed: Besides Sunday!

Kay: Besides Sunday?

Lucifer: Yes, besides Sunday!

Kay: Monday

Lucifer: No!

Kay: Yeah, Monday's besides Sunday, it's right beside it because it goes Sunday then Monday

Kay: You're fucking dumb, I swear

Lucifer: It's father's day!

Kay: Huh?

Lucifer: Today. Is. Father's. Day!

Kay: So you already knew what today was?

Lucifer: Yes!

Kay: So what the fuck did you ask me for?!

● Quote 7

Maxie: Hey, did you guys know that there is a knife that gets so hot, it instantly turns your bread into toast when you cut it?!

Duck: Dude, imagine stabbing somebody with that

Genie: Well, if it was that hot, it would instantly cauterise the wound, so it wouldn't be very effective

Alf: It's effective if you want information

Duck: *snickers*

Genie: *sighs and carries on reading*

Maxie: Why would you be stabbing people when you could have toast...?

● Quote 8

(in the future)

Kay and Alfs child: Mummy, where do babies come from?

Kay: They come from a stork

Child: But isn't the baby too heavy?

Kay: It's a magical stork

Child: That doesn't make any sense

Kay: *mutters* Fuck it


Alf, from the kitchen: DAMN RIGHT I DID!

● Quote 9

Maxie: What if your life is only a day long, and sleep is us dying, but dreams are us watching an ad to get an extra life?

Genie: Maxie, it's currently 3am, please go back to sleep and do not say another word until it's at least 7:30am, then I can tolerate these types of questions

● Quote 10

Kay: You're the love of my life and you're my best friend, I would do anything for you two

Alf: I want you to eat three meals a day

Duck: And I want you to have a decent sleep schedule

Kay: Absolutely not

● Quote 11

(Duck and Selly texting)

Duck: I almost just drowned in the sink

Selly: Duck, what the hell?

Duck: Imagine the headline that would make: Local Idiot Drowns in Sink 🤣

Selly: And how does one drown in a sink?

Duck: I filled it with water and put my face in it, but my head got stuck under the faucet

Selly: Duck

Selly: Sweetheart

Selly: WTF?!

● Quote 12

Kay: Honey, what's for dinner?

Alf, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret

● Quote 13

Genie: Kay, you often use humor to deflect your trauma

Kay: Thank you

Selly: She never said that was a good thing, Kay

Kay: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny

● Quote 14

Selly: Ok, maybe playing 'whose family is most dysfunctional' wasn't the best idea we've had...

Alf: Care to explain why?

Maxie: Kay's been crying in the bathroom for the past hour, and none of us can get him out...

● Quote 15

Maxie: Oh Genie, just so you know, it's very muggy outside

Genie: ...

Genie: Maxie, I swear, if I step outside and see all of our mugs are on the front lawn...

Maxie: *sips coffee from bowl* No they're not

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