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Merry Christmas

They all waited for the jury's response, while the person unfolded a piece of paper. "Guilty,"

"Alright," the judge nodded. "Mr Dark, you are hereby sentenced to 7 and a half years in prison for the abuse, rape and neglect of your teenage child. Also, Mr Smith, I hereby declare you their legal guardian. Case dismissed," he said to their uncle as he hit his gavel and people began to leave.

"You two are safe now," Their uncle, Xander, told them as he hugged his niece and nephew, Kay casted a quick glance at their father and he could've sworn he saw him giving him a pitiful expression.

"Well played, Xander," they turned around and saw their dad standing there, with an officer standing nearby, prepared to restrain him when required.

"Hey, you didn't do too bad yourself Luci, your lawyer on the other hand..."

"Yeah, I've started to think he wasn't actually a lawyer halfway through, and don't call me 'Luci' ever again,"

"Fair enough. Where did he graduate from?"

"I think it was Shimmer Peak High,"

"Where the hell is that?"

"I dunno, he didn't tell me, although he did say it was local,"

"Dude, you've been lied to, there isn't a 'Shimmer Peak High' locally,"

"Does that place even exist?"

"I don't know,"

"Oi, round it up!" The officer shouted.

"Alright," he got down on his knees and held his arms out for Maxie. "Come here sweetie," she hugged him back, and she whispered something.

"Although Maxie won't forget what you did to him, Maxie forgives you for everything, love you,"

"Love you too, sweetheart," she began crying and hugged him tighter. "Umm, can you please let go?" She let go and he looked at Kay. "Can I speak to him alone?" He asked the officer.

"...Very well, you get 1 minute," he signalled the other two to follow him. They left and he stood up, looked down at him and began talking.

"I am not giving you a hug," he said with a hint of disgust in his voice.

"Bold assumption I want one sir,"

"Do not take that tone with me," he slapped his son, which made him fall to the floor.

"So I disagree with you, I get punished. I agree with you, I get punished. Make up your mind, which one am I supposed to do sir?" He asked as he stood back up.

"Neither, you keep your pathetic mouth shut," he growled. "But as I stated a while ago, I will do worse things to you when I escape,"

"W-worse th-things, sir...?" He said in a scared tone while his ears and tail went down.

"Mm-hm," two officers came in, the first one prodded him with the baton, while the second one stood behind Kay.

"It's been a minute, move it," the first one said.

"Alright, I'm going, hold your horses," they walked out and the second one bent down and looked Kay in the eyes.

"Why are your ears and tail down?"

"H-he s-said he would d-do w-worse th-things to m-me... wh-when he e-escapes..."

"He won't escape, don't worry," they smiled.

"B-but dad sticks b-by wh-what h-he says..."

"Trust me, he will not escape, he's going to one of the most secure prisons known to monsterkind,"

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